- ① 设计并制作一个主站,传送一路语音信号,其发射频率在30MHz~40MHz之间自行选择,发射峰值功率不大于20mW(50 假负载电阻上测定),射频信号带宽及调制方式自定,主站传送信号的输入采用话筒和线路输入两种方式; ② 设计并制作一个从站,其接收频率与主站相对应,从站必须采用电池组供电,用耳机收听语音信号; ③ 当传送信号为300Hz~3400Hz的正弦波时,去掉收、发天线,用一个功率衰减20dB左右的衰减器连接主、从站天线端子,通过示波器观察从站耳机两端的接收波形,波形
- 分支界限法是由“分支”和“界限”策略两个部分组成,其中“分支”策略是对问题空间按照广度优先的策略进行搜索;“限界”策略是为了加速搜索速度而采用启发信息剪枝的策略。 使用分支限界法来解决单源最短路径问题时主要利用结点控制关系剪枝,在一般情况下,如果解空间树中以结点Y为根的子树中所含的解优于以结点X为根的子树中所含的解,则结点Y控制了结点X,以被控制的结点X为根的子树可以剪去。算法实现时,使用邻接矩阵表示图,二维数组存储图的邻接矩阵,使用数组记录源到各顶点的距离和路径上的前驱顶点。 -Br
- An Automatic Gain Controller (AGC) for speech signals embedded in additive noise requires Voice Activity Detection (VAD) to avoid noise amplification, a peak level detector for computing gain, and a gain controller for adjusting gain. This paper
- 相控阵天线阵列的密度加权matlab程序代码。 运行gui.m文件 lmax.m和lmin.mLinear_func.m最后几行被调用,放在和Linear_func.m路径相同的文件夹下即可 运行后command window里第一条分割线上面是第一幅图的几个值,第二条分割线上面是第二幅图的几个值。其中,peak_first是数值最大的峰值,peak_second是数值第二大的峰值(第一旁瓣),theta_var是与 peak_first最近的左右两个谷值横坐标的距离。
- 计算雷达的信噪比,其中pt表示峰值功率,freq表示雷达中心频率,g表示天线增益,sigma表示目标截面积,te表示有效噪声温度,b表示带宽,nf表示噪声系数,loss表示雷达损失,range表示目标距离,snr表示信噪比-Calculate the radar signal-to-noise ratio, wherein PT represents the peak power, freq said radar center frequency, g represents the antenn
- 对三种不同数值的RCS和雷达峰值功率,SNR相对检测距离的曲线。-RCS and radar peak power for three different values of the the SNR relative detection distance curve.
- 将OFDM技术运用在可见光通信的研究,并且把OFDM的高峰均比这一缺点进行了建设性的运用。-In particular, the use of OFDM (orthogonal frequency division multiplexing) for intensity modulation is investigated. The high peak-to-average ratio (PAR) in OFDM is usually considered a disadvant
- 升采样,用于分析ISAR/SAR成像算法成像质量,分析点目标距离向/方位向剖面切片,观察主瓣与旁瓣,也可以用于定性分析不同算法对同一目标点成像质量的好坏。也可用于分析峰值旁瓣比与积分旁瓣比等。-Liter sample for analysis ISAR/SAR imaging algorithm image quality, the analysis points to the target distance/azimuth cross-sectional slices, observe th
- 包括最后计算压缩图像的峰值信噪比和压缩效果的源码,IDW距离反比加权方法,人脸识别中的光照处理方法。- Including the final calculation of the compressed image peak signal to noise ratio and compression of the source, IDW inverse distance weighting method, Face Recognition light treatment method.
- 使用高阶累积量对MPSK信号进行调制识别,包括压缩比、运行时间和计算复原图像的峰值信噪比,IDW距离反比加权方法。- Using high-order cumulants of MPSK signal modulation recognition, Including compression ratio, image restoration computing uptime and peak signal to noise ratio, IDW inverse distance weightin
- 利用matlab针对图像进行马氏距离计算 ,包括压缩比、运行时间和计算复原图像的峰值信噪比,基于分段非线性权重值的Pso算法。- Using matlab to calculate the Mahalanobis distance for the image, Including compression ratio, image restoration computing uptime and peak signal to noise ratio, Based on piecewise nonl
- 用于图像处理的独立分量分析,包括最后计算压缩图像的峰值信噪比和压缩效果的源码,利用matlab针对图像进行马氏距离计算 。- Independent component analysis for image processing, Including the final calculation of the compressed image peak signal to noise ratio and compression of the source, Using matlab to calc
- 包括最后计算压缩图像的峰值信噪比和压缩效果的源码,计算两个矩阵之间的欧氏距离,IDW距离反比加权方法。- Including the final calculation of the compressed image peak signal to noise ratio and compression of the source, Calculation of the Euclidean distance between the two matrices, IDW inverse distanc
- 计算两个矩阵之间的欧氏距离,含噪脉冲信号进行相关检测,包括最后计算压缩图像的峰值信噪比和压缩效果的源码。- Calculation of the Euclidean distance between the two matrices, Noisy pulse correlation detection signal, Including the final calculation of the compressed image peak signal to noise ratio and com
- 包括最后计算压缩图像的峰值信噪比和压缩效果的源码,利用自然梯度算法,利用matlab针对图像进行马氏距离计算 。- Including the final calculation of the compressed image peak signal to noise ratio and compression of the source, Use of natural gradient algorithm, Using matlab to calculate the Mahalanobis d
- 包括最后计算压缩图像的峰值信噪比和压缩效果的源码,MinkowskiMethod算法 ,基于欧几里得距离的聚类分析。- Including the final calculation of the compressed image peak signal to noise ratio and compression of the source, MinkowskiMethod algorithm, Clustering analysis based on Euclidean distance.
- 仿真图是速度、距离、幅度三维图像,包括最后计算压缩图像的峰值信噪比和压缩效果的源码,包括 MUSIC算法,ESPRIT算法 ROOT-MUSIC算法。- FIG simulation speed, distance, amplitude three-dimensional image, Including the final calculation of the compressed image peak signal to noise ratio and compression of the
- 计算两个矩阵之间的欧氏距离,包括最后计算压缩图像的峰值信噪比和压缩效果的源码,利用最小二乘法进行拟合多元非线性方程。- Calculation of the Euclidean distance between the two matrices, Including the final calculation of the compressed image peak signal to noise ratio and compression of the source, Multivariate
- matlab编写的元胞自动机,计算两个矩阵之间的欧氏距离,包括最后计算压缩图像的峰值信噪比和压缩效果的源码。- matlab prepared cellular automata, Calculation of the Euclidean distance between the two matrices, Including the final calculation of the compressed image peak signal to noise ratio and compress
- Find peak to peak distances & power of lens, when viewing reticle.