- MPLAB V7.11 HI-TECH V8.05 Proteus V7.1 现在这只是一个简单的加法计算器,当前使用方法: 1) 输入第一个数(<4位);边输入边显示 2) 按+号;清空数码管; 3) 输第二个数(<4位) ; 边输入边显示 4) 按=号出结果;显示在数码管上 5) 按C号,返回1) 继续等待输入
spwm PIC单片机SPWM例子
- PIC单片机SPWM例子,采用硬件PWM实现。外部电路非常简单,在RC1上接一个电容即可。 开发环境:MPLAB IDE V8.60+HT-PICC16 V9.80 pro PJ版+Proteus V7.1PJ版。 -PIC microcontroller SPWM example, using the hardware PWM to achieve. Development Environment: MPLAB IDE V8.60 HT-PICC16 V9.80 pro PJ v
- 《单片机原理实用教程——基于Proteus虚拟仿真》一书的配套光盘,光盘内容为书中各章例题的Proteus设计范例以及汇编语言源程序。 所有范例均在Proteus V7.2之下调试通过。范例必须在安装Proteus软件之后才能运行。, All examples are under the debugger through the Proteus V7.2. Example Proteus software must be installed to run after.
- 自制的ATMEGA16的PROTEUS开发板,包含如下组件:8个发光二极管、液晶显示器1602、矩阵键盘、IO独立键盘、串口调试器、8位8段数码管、SPI接口调试器、时钟、存储器24c02等。-An ATMEGA16 develop board circuit drawed in ISIS Proteus v7.7.The components it contains are as follows:eight LEDs linked to P1,dot array LCD 1602,four l
- 采用模块化格式编写的基于PIC单片机的简单计算器,采用4*4键盘输入,4位数码管输出,电路图为kb16seg74ok.DSN。 MPLAB V7.1+HI-TECH V8.05+Proteus V7.1-Modular format PIC MCU-based simple calculator, the use of 4* 4 keyboard input, 4 digital tube output circuit for kb16seg74ok.DSN. MPLAB V7.1+ HI-TE
- 郭天祥 TX-1C PIC单片机实验板proteus V7.0版本。 使用7.0以上的Proteus均可打开使用。-Guo Tianxiang TX-1C PIC Microcontroller Experiment board proteus V7.0 version of the. Of more than 7.0 can be used to open the use of Proteus.
- Operating System threaded apartment done in the PIC16F877A and communication to the PC through RS232 protocol which is displayed in an interface made in Visual C #. The simulation was conducted in the PROTEUS software v-Operating Syst
- 周立功arm7单片机 pl2124在proteus上的仿真,包括原理图与仿真代码,开发环境为proteus 喝keil4-the simulation project of arm pl2124 on proteus,includes schematic and source code ,developed with proteus v7 and keil v4
- If you are afraid of soldering Nokia LCD with your hands and still want to check your code.. here is a solution for you.. One of our Russian friend has made this sweet Nokia 3310 LCD model which simulate the original Nokia LCD. This Proteus
- 采用PIC16F877A单片机实现多片DS182B在单线总线下的多点温度测量 开发环境:微芯MPLAB+PICC编译器 仿真环境:Proteus v7.5-Using PIC16F877A MCU multi-chip single-wire bus DS182B in multi-point temperature measurement. Development environment: Microchip MPLAB+PICC compiler. Simulation e
- 利用PIC16F877单片机实现简单的DDS信号发生器 开发环境:微芯MPLAB IDE+PICC编译器 仿真环境:Proteus v7.5-Adopt PIC16F877 MCU to realize simple DDS signal generator. Development environment: Microchip MPLAB IDE+PICC compiler. Simulation environment: Proteus v7.5
- 利用PIC16F877单片机驱动64*128的液晶模块LCM12864. 开发环境:微芯 MPLAB+PICC编译器 仿真环境:Proteus v7.5-Use PIC16F877 MCU to drive 64*128 LCD module LCM12864. Development environment: Microchip MPLAB+PICC compiler Simulation environment: Proteus v7.5
- PIC 16F628A based time relay project. C and PICBasic codes included. schematic and PCB included (Proteus V7).
- 本设计设计手机充电器系统,实现由交流220V电能到直流4.2V电能的转换,进而为手机等设备充电。在系统控制中采用了变压、整流、滤波、稳压、分压、电压检测等电路,并且具有一定的充电提示和充满电自动断电的功能。 本设计采用Proteus(V7.1)软件仿真进行演示。-Based on Proteus simulation design phone charger system, implemented by 220V AC power to DC 4.2V power conversion. I