- 本程序是使用有限时域差分法计算模拟电磁波在光学薄膜中的传输,加入边界条件,可以计算加入有损耗介质进行计算模拟,运用Qt技术,运用Qmake进行工程管理。运用matlab显示结果-This procedure is the use of FDTD method simulation of electromagnetic waves in optical thin films in transmission, add the boundary conditions can be calculated
- 学籍管理系统,学籍 管理系统 Visual C++ Visual Basic DOS Unix_Linux C++ Builder Java Windows_Unix Delphi C-C++ PHP-PERL PHP Perl Python HTML Asm Pascal Borland C++ Others MultiPlatform C++ VFP SQL PDF TEXT WORD VBscr ipt Javascr ipt ASP CSharp CHM FlashMX matlab P
- “文字格式”工具栏 “文字格式”工具栏- Visual Basic(7880) Visual C++(306) VBscr ipt(76) Others(73) WINDOWS(55) VBA(48) C-C++(42) MultiPlatform(39) ASP(38) Delphi(34) Java(30) CSharp(29) SQL(22) C++ Builder(22) Windows_Unix(20) CHM(16) WORD(14) C++(14) DOS(13) PDF(11
- Qt与MATLAB的混合编程研究与实现,可以实现MATLAB的程序到Qt程序的转化-Mixed with the MATLAB programming Qt Research and Implementation, MATLAB programs can achieve the transformation to a Qt program
- matlab+C OpenTLD运动目标检测跟踪源代码-OpenTLD target detection and tracking the source code
- OpenPIV is an initiative of scientists to develop a software, algorithms and methods for the state-of-the-art experimental tool of Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) which are free, open source, and easy to operate. OpenPIV is the successor of the we
- 经典的目标跟踪算法,基于TLD的C代码。可以移植到VC或者QT上。算法速度还可以,就是精度不如matlab的,可以参考。-Classical target tracking algorithm, based on the C code TLD. Can be ported to the VC or QT. The algorithm speed accuracy better than matlab can refer.
- 、、: 请选择 Visual C++ Visual Basic DOS Unix_Linux C++ Builder Java Windows_Unix Delphi C-C++ PHP-PERL PHP Perl Python HTML Asm Pascal Borland C++ Others MultiPlatform C++ VFP SQL PDF TEXT WORD VBscr ipt Javascr ipt ASP CSharp CHM FlashMX matlab PowerBui
- 一个简单的Matlab与Qt结合的项目。-A simple combination of Matlab and Qt project.
- matlab program, focus on how to find T wave, Q wave, meanwindow, trqt complex, shif QT wave, and pattern of ECG
- CODE STUDIO C# GDI+ development class Viso fl matlab used in drawing commands i This is the windows QT programmin Program of the curve, a real-time Mouse set control points, draw B- java drawing board simulation win Mastery letter. Lc5 file to be mo
- C# GDI+ development class Viso fl matlab used in drawing commands i This is the windows QT programmin Program of the curve, a real-time Mouse set control points, draw B- java drawing board simulation win Mastery letter. Lc5 file to be mo To simulate
- C# GDI+ development class Viso fl matlab used in drawing commands i This is the windows QT programmin Program of the curve, a real-time Mouse set control points, draw B- java drawing board simulation win Mastery letter. Lc5 file to be mo To simulate
- TLD算法的QT版本,没有matlab的相关代码,完全用C/C++实现,可以移植到嵌入式平台或者其他平台-TLD algorithm for the QT version, no matlab related code, complete with C/C++ implementation can be transplanted to the embedded platform or other platforms
- 强大的matlab绑定约束优化问题,欢迎大家下载-Powerful matlab binding constraint optimization problems, welcome everyone to download
- Qt写的解Van der Pol方程的ODE45小程序,与matlab程序类似,自动记录计算耗时。-Qt to write small programs ODE45 Solutions Van der Pol equation, similar matlab program automatically records time-consuming calculation.
- CT成像:基于卷积算法的matlab的CT图像重建算法 geant4三维建模导入:基于c++语言导入geant4 两个qt学习资料-CT imaging: convolution algorithm based on the CT image reconstruction algorithm geant4 3D modeling import: Based on the c language to import geant4 two qt learning materials
- qt做的电子相册,能够添加本地图片并且播放,实现了图片左右旋转和放大缩小等等(Qt do electronic albums, can add the local pictures and play, realize the picture the left-right rotating and zoom-in and so on)
write and read segy files matlab
- 地震勘探干专用软件,小的程序,地震勘探行业,matlab(The QT language reads and writes segy, a special program for the seismic exploration industry, and can read and write segy standard documents)
- 测试可以跑,根据自己情况修改下函数即可. NSGA-III 首先定义一组参考点。然后随机生成含有 N 个(原文献说最好与参考点个数相同)个体的初始种群,其中 N 是种群大小。接下来,算法进行迭代直至终止条件满足。在第 t 代,算法在当前种群 Pt的基础上,通过随机选择,模拟两点交叉(Simulated Binary Crossover,SBX)和多项式变异 产生子代种群 Qt。Pt和 Qt的大小均为 N。因此,两个种群 Pt和 Qt合并会形成种群大小为 2N 的新的种群 Rt=Pt∪Qt。 为了