- Martin, R. Spectral subtraction based on minimum statistics Proc. Eur. Signal Processin conf., 1994, 1182-1185 -Martin, R. Spectral subtraction based on minimum statistics Proc. Eur. Signal Processin conf., 1994, 1182-1185
- This manual contains solutions to the exercises in A Course in Game Theory by Martin J. Osborne and Ariel Rubinstein. (The sources of the problems are given in the section entitled \Notes" at the end of each chapter of the book.)
- R. K. Martin, M. Ding, B. L. Evans, and C. R. Johnson, Jr., "Infinite Length Results and Design Implications for Time-Domain Equalizers," EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, Special Issue on Signal Processing for Broadband Access Systems: T
- . R. Johnson, Jr., R. K. Martin, J. M. Walsh, A. G. Klein, C. E. Orlicki, and T. Lin, "Blind Channel Shorteners," Proc. The 13th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, August 2003.
- R. K. Martin, C. R. Johnson, Jr., M. Ding, and B. L. Evans, "Infinite Length Results for Channel Shortening Equalizers," Proc. The IV IEEE Signal Processing Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), Rome, Italy, June
- 这个程序演示了如何应用耦合结构空气动力问题,通过Matlab编程,分析了飞行器机翼颤振等问题。-This model demonstrates how to implement a coupled structural-aerodynamic problem. The wing, otherwise rigid, is allowed to pitch and plunge. The motion of the wing is defined using SimMechanics bloc
- 8b转10b的编码和解码程序,已验证。ALTERA官方代码,有编码和解码两个文件-an 8b10b decoder, based on files Martin R and IBM paper