- channel estimation using Ls and MMSE algorithms also calculates the Mean square error and SER-channel estimation using Ls and MMSE algorithms also calculates the Mean square error and SER
- *Demonstrate convolutional encoding and decoding *Simulate BER for QPSK and BPSK, plot and then **compare the result with the theoretical value. *compare SER of the Rake and ML. – Symbols are taken randomly from QPSK. – Run the simulation for
- This a GUI based system. The GUI is invoked from the command line by typing "ui_start". The GUI is self explanatory. Tool tips are given in blue color. The cursor needs to be positioned on these for detailed explanation. The main file is "runsim
- 恶性码(灾难码)的仿真,计算不同信噪比下的PER和SER-MATLAB code used to calculate P[k] for each SNR. The output is then used to calculate the PER as 1− P[k = 0] and the BER
- Code matlab: BER,SER,SNR in cooperation network
- STBC-MIMO-OFDM This is a very good code for beginners. It computes the SER versus SNR for a Space time block coding MIMO-OFDM system.-STBC-MIMO-OFDM This is a very good code for beginners. It computes the SER versus SNR for a Space time block co
- 主函数Alamouti(Nr,max_snr,max_err_symbol,symbol_per_frame) 调用函数QpskMapping(psudo_bit_sequence)--二进制数据到QPSK信号的变换 调用函数RayleighCH(Nr,Nt)--瑞利衰落信道模拟 仿真示例: Alamouti(1,12,20,24) 说明: 1.2根发射天线、1根接收天线 2.最高信噪比为12dB,即仿真范围为0dB到12dB 3.在每个信噪比
- this code contains coding of amplify and forward with the comparision of ser and snr
- QPSK信号在AWGN信道下的仿真,画出了发射信号与接受信号的星座图以及BER和SER随SNR变化的曲线-QPSK signal is simulated in the AWGN channel
- ser vs snr for AWGN & Rayleigh channel source code