- 超小数字温湿度传感器 SHT20 的读写程序代码。单片机为STC系列的60S2 。-Ultra small digital temperature and humidity sensor SHT20 reading and writing program code. STC microcontroller series 60S2.
- 网上找的华兄电子SHT20温湿度传感器驱动程序,经修改,在原子开发板上调试成功。可准确读取温度和湿度。编译环境为Keil MDK ARM 5.14-Modified SHT20 driver source code of Huaxiong electronic. Successed run in atomic development board, can read the temperature and humidity. Compiled by Keil MDK ARM 5.14.
- 自己修改的SHT20温湿度传感器在51单片机下的驱动程序,在STC15下已完美运行-SHT20 temperature and humidity sensors under the 51 MCU driver modified by myself,and it has been in the perfect running in the STC15
- 基于51单片机的SHT20温湿度采集程序,并通过1602液晶进行显示-Collection procedures SHT20 based on 51 single chip microcomputer temperature and humidity, and through the 1602 LCD display
- 这是基于nodemcu单片机的检测和显示环境温湿度的LUA程序文件,采用SHT20检测温湿度,用HMI串口屏(型号:TJC4832T035)显示温湿度的值。display.lua为串口屏的驱动程序,sht20是SHT20传感器的驱动程序,它们都是模块化的程序文件,可以在init.lua中直接调用,很方便。-and humidity.The file of sht20.lua is for this.And i use HMI screen to interface with people.The
- sht20基于三星S3F8S45温湿度传感器程序(sht20 temperature&huimity disp)
- SHT20高精度 温湿度传感器的STM32F1程序源码,由传感器原始值直接计算出温度值及湿度值。(SHT20 high-precision temperature and humidity sensor STM32F1 program source code, the original value of the sensor directly calculated temperature and humidity values.)
Sht20 for STC15
- SHT20 适用于STC15系列1T系统 晶振22.1184M 程序无硬性等待优于标准程序(SHT20 is suitable for STC15 series 1T system crystal oscillator 22.1184M program without hard wait superior to standard program)
- 本作品是基于stm32检测温湿度,可以通过串口观察实时状态。(This work is based on stm32 detection temperature and humidity, you can observe the real-time status through the serial port.)
- sht20的I2C程序,用来测量现场的环境温湿度(The I2C program of sht20 is used to measure the temperature and humidity of the scene.)
- STM32F103读取SHT20程序,亲测可用!!!!!!!!!!!!!(STM32F103 reads the SHT20 program and is pro - available)
- KEIL C51开发,自用程序,完美测试通过,STC8A8K64S4 读取SHT20温湿度 BMP280气压数据,I2C协议,STC8A8K64S4 时钟选22.1184M(STC8A8K64S4 read SHT20 temperature and humidity BMP280 air pressure data, I2C protocol)
- SHT20温湿度传感器驱动程序,经修改,在原子开发板上调试成功。可准确读取温度和湿度。编译环境为Keil MDK ARM 5.14((Modified SHT20 driver source code of Huaxiong electronic. Successed run in atomic development board, can read the temperature and humidity. Compiled by Keil MDK ARM 5.14.))
SHT20温湿度传感器 - 串口调试助手显示
- SHT20使用串口1在串口调试助手显示温湿度实验步骤: 1、按照正确接线方式将SHT20模块插到J7四芯单排母端子上; 2、MINI USB连接线给开发板通电下载程序,下载软件中内部IRC时钟选择11.0592MHZ; 3、下载程序后,打开串口调试助手,选择CH340对应的串口号,设置波特率为9600,可实时读取到温湿度信息。