- 用NS2仿真802.11b WLAN信道。指出现有NS2代码中的错误,给出SNR、BER的计算公式和代码实现。,Simulate 802.11b Channel within NS2 This document describes how to simulate one 802.11b channel in NS2. It focuses on how to simulate wireless transmission error due to bad channel quality. Th
- SLNR下,信噪比和误码率的关系,比较SLNR和SINR最大的情况,SINR优于SLNR 1~2dB,但SLNR算法的计算量远小于SINR(ZF)-under slnr,the graph between snr and ber.
- 数字通信系统中采用基带传输和频带传输[ 1, 2 ] ,在抽样判决器之前,信号叠加了信道噪声. 本文利用 Matlab软件仿真[ 3, 4 ]分析了在判决器前叠加了高斯噪声后,信噪比与系统的误码率之间的关系.-Digital communication system using baseband transmission and band transmission [1, 2], in a sample before the decision device, the signal super
- 很好的OFDM的基于MATLAB的仿真程序包,且包含了最终结果图.-montecarlo type montecarlo in the command window and wait for a long time.. _simulation of the complete OFDM system. _use of a very large file in order to get probabilities. _loop over different valu
- ber vs snr for awgn-rayleigh channel
- MIMO 系统仿真,对时变信道的自适应调制-erq.m : function for ERQ algorithm in MIMO systems space_wf.m : function for spatial domain power waterfilling st_wf.m : function for spatial and temporal domain waterfilling MIMO_rate.m : Plot spectral efficiency vs SNR f
- 设计了一个OFDM接收机,并采用1fI公司的TMS320C6416芯片进行实现。在假设理想 同步的前提下,该系统进行了FFT变化、使用了Ls(最小二乘法)进行信道估计,并且采用了 QPSK算法进行解调。最后将接收机输出数据与发端数据进行比较,在不同信噪比情况下计算其 误码率,得出了比较理想的结果。-An OFDM receiver is designed in山is paper and realized on the platform of the 1MS32OC6416 chip
- 通过MATLAB软件;通过仿真得出性能曲线;从而比较bpsk的性能-The bit-error rate (BER) of binary phase-shift keying in Rayleigh fading, using the Alamouti transmission scheme and receiver selection diversity in the presence of channel-estimation error, is studied. Closed-
- C program to calculate the BER performance of BPSK modulation in an AWGN channel. The program takes the file "BPSK" containing voltage levels and passes it in an AWGN channel with a given SNR. The received message is then Hard decision decoded and th
- The simplest channel which we use in ideal case is AWGN channel and everyone knows that before starting siluation on the other part of the system we must simulate the AWGN channel.this is AWGN channel with a BPSK signal going through it and finally w
- PSK Uniform Fading using SNR and BER
- Program for Space-Time-Block-Code BPSK modulation performance as a function of SNR and BER. (MATLAB)
- Cooperative communication_power control a) Generate random binary sequence of +1’s and -1’s. (b) Given different Power to the source and the relay as well (c) Multiply the symbols with the channel and then add white Gaussian noise. (d) At
- Passing signal to AWGN channel after QAM modulation and plotting BER at SNR
- this a matlab code for cdma it is a calculation of ber,snr etc. -this is a matlab code for cdma it is a calculation of ber,snr etc.
- cdma2000的Turbo码模拟,从编码到传输到解码,最后输出信噪比误码率曲线-the simulation of cdma2000 turbo code,from code to transport to decode,and the output is the line line of snr to ber
- 仿真分析在格雷码和QAM调制下的SNR与BER关系-analyze gray code and QAM moudulation about SNR and BER relationship
- QPSk MOdulation SNR and BER
- The report describes various modulation schemes and the SNR and BER Performance of the schemes. The project is about a program that selects a particular modulation scheme according to the SNR and BER performance required.
- amplify and farward : code in mtalab that produce figures of BER and SNR for amplify and farxard relay