- 单片机开发板,本实验将实现如下功能:本实验通过ADC1的通道16读取STM32内部温度传感器的电压值,并将其转换为温度值,显示在LCD模块上。 -This experiment will achieve the following functions: the present experiments by the ADC1 channel 16 reads STM32 a voltage value of the internal temperature sensor, and conver
- 利用STM32的ADC1通道16来读取STM32内部温度传感器的电压值,并转换为温度,在TFTLCD模块上显示出来。实现一个简单的温度计。-ADC1 channel 16 using the STM32 STM32 internal temperature sensor to read the voltage value, and converted to temperature, displayed on TFTLCD module. Achieve a simple thermometer.
- 基于STM32开发板,设计周期性读取内部温度传感器值,并且用红外遥控设置读取时间间隔。显示时间间隔和当前温度。同时扩展增加了RTC时钟的显示-STM32 development board based on the design periodically read the internal temperature sensor values, and set the time interval read by infrared remote control. Display interval a
- 利用stm32内部的温度传感器读取温度值。该温度传感器在内部和 ADCx_IN16 输入通道相连接,此通道把传感器输出的电压转换成数字值。温度传感器模拟输入推荐采样时间是 17.1μs。 STM32 的内部温度传感器支持的温度范围为: -40~125度,精度为±1.5℃左右-read the temperature by internal sensor of stm32.
- 内部温度传感器程序:通过ADC1的通道16读取STM32内部温度传感器的电压值,并将其转换为温度值,显示在LCD模块上。-Internal temperature sensor program: Read the passage through ADC1 16 STM32 internal temperature sensor voltage and converts it to a temperature value is displayed on the LCD module.
- 单片机读取温度传感器的温度值,使用串并联通信,主程序中要把前四位数据读出来才是温度,这个只是stm32读取DHT11的全部数据程序。(stm32 read the value of the DHT11)
17 DS18B20
- STM32F407从DS18B20温度传感器中读取当前温度值的程序源代码,温度值通过液晶显示屏显示出来。(STM32F407 from the DS18B20 temperature sensor to read the current temperature value of the program source code, the temperature value is displayed through the LCD screen.)
- STM32F205rct6读取温度传感器(STM32F205rct6 reading temperature sensor)