- 在STM32单片机上实现ucgui,并输出PWM控制3个步进电机,ucgui可以设置3个电机的控制参数,是公司请外面的人研发的。-To achieve the STM32 microcontroller ucgui, and outputs the PWM control three stepper motors, ucgui can set three parameters of motor control, the company developed an outside person.
- STM32的PWM输出模式,STM32的TIM1模块是增强型的定时器模块,天生就是为电机控制而生,可以产生3组6路PWM,同时每组2路PWM为互补,并可以带有死区,可以用来驱动H桥。-STM32' s PWM output mode, STM32' s TIM1 module is enhanced timer module, is inherently for the motor control, it can produce three groups 6-channel PWM,
- stm32单片机做电机控制的库函数详解,电机控制方案必备。-stm32 do motor control MCU library functions Xiang Jie, an essential motor control program.
- STM32产生的双极性SPWM波 可以用来控制电机和全桥逆变器-STM32 bipolar SPWM wave generated can be used to control the motor and full-bridge inverter
- stm32 关于控制电机的子程序,经测试可以实现对伺服电机的精确控制。-stm32 on the control of the motor subroutine, the test can achieve precise control of the servo motor.
- 这是基于STM32单片机的CCD为传感器的循迹小车的源代码的压缩包,压缩包内的程序完整,算法较优,比赛获得过二等奖,能有效快速识别轨迹,在跑道直道加速,弯道减速。采用PID调速。CCD为传感器,识别跑道图像,STM32对图像分析处理,二值化等。控制电机加减速度,舵机转度。可供参考学习(This is based on the STM32 MCU CCD as sensor tracking cart source code package of procedure in the package
- stm32f103zet6上实现步进电机28byj-48由ULN2003驱动的程序。可控制两个电机 正转、反转、停止、正转N度、反转N度(Stm32f103zet6 stepper motor to achieve 28byj-48, driven by the ULN2003 program. Can control two motors forward, reverse, stop, turn N degrees, reverse N degrees)
- GRBL简单的说就是一款基于Arduino的开源雕刻机控制软件。可以解析标准G代码并控制相应的步进电机运动。 GRBL效率高,成本低,因此大部分DIY激光雕刻机和自制CNC都会使用GRBL作为主控程序。(GRBL, in brief, is a Arduino based open source engraving control software. You can parse the standard G code and control the stepper motor movement
- MDK环境下的Stm32CAN通讯及定时器脉冲控制步进电机程序(Stm32CAN communication and timer pulse control stepper motor program in MDK environment)
stm32 BLDC control
- 基于stm32开发了一套简易的无刷直流电机控制,实现PID速度闭环控制,能够准确而快速地对速度进行有效控制。(Based on stm32, a simple brushless dc motor control is developed to realize PID speed closed-loop control, which can effectively control the speed.)
- CAN通信控制电机,监测电机状态,返回结果(brushed DC motor control program based on stm32f103ZETx, files is a part of control program. through CAN BUS to communicate. slave received CAN command and do some specificate movement. slave also watch the device status, protec
- stm32控制步进电机,可以用调整速度。(STM32 controls the stepping motor, and the speed can be adjusted.)
频率 脉冲可控,驱动步进电机
- 利用stm32驱动步进电机的开发程序,STM32系列基于专为要求高性能、低成本、低功耗的嵌入式应用专门设计的ARM Cortex?-M0,M0+,M3, M4和M7内核(ST's product portfolio contains a comprehensive range of microcontrollers, from robust, low-cost 8-bit MCUs up to 32-bit ARM-based Cortex?-M0 and M0+, Cortex?-M3, Co
- 对于步进电机的相关研究,STM32系列基于专为要求高性能、低成本、低功耗的嵌入式应用专门设计的ARM Cortex?-M0,M0+,M3, M4和M7内核(ST's product portfolio contains a comprehensive range of microcontrollers, from robust, low-cost 8-bit MCUs up to 32-bit ARM-based Cortex?-M0 and M0+, Cortex?-M3, Cortex?-M
- 可以实现单片机的串口通讯功能。。。。。。。。。。(The serial communication function of single chip computer can be realized)
- 利用stm32芯片,通过can控制电机的运动(Control the motion of the motor through can)
- 使用stm32f407单片机的CAN通信控制驱动电机,并且该程序可以通过红外遥控(CAN communication with stm32f407 MCU is used to control the driving motor, and the program can be controlled by infrared remote control.)
- 通过stm32来控制2个步进电机,可以拿来修改2轴控制(Two stepper motors are controlled by stm32, which can be used to modify two-axis control.)
- STM32控制伺服电机,不错的学习资料,可以学习一下(STM32 control servo motor, good learning materials, you can learn about it.)
- 实现用单片机定时器对输出脉冲的计数以及加减速对步进电机进行控制 亲测好用(It can count the output pulse with the timer of single chip microcomputer and control the stepping motor with acceleration and deceleration)