- 基于最小二乘支持向量机的系统边际电价预测,是PDF格式的-based on least-squares SVM system marginal price forecast is in PDF format
- (数据挖掘新方法-支持向量机)PDF格式的!知道支持向量机(SVM),肯定知道它是一本非常经典的图书!支持向量机(support vector machine,SVM)是数据挖掘中的一项新技术,是借助于最优化方法解决机器学习问题的新工具.-(new data mining method-SVM) PDF format! Know Support Vector Machine (SVM), certainly aware that it is a very classic books! SVM (
- 将最大熵的数据格式转为SVM分类器所需的数据格式-of maximum entropy data formats SVM classifier to the required data format
- OpenSVM was developped under Visual C++ 6.0 SP6, You can open the workspace file(*.dsw) in the opensvm-src folder. The folder include the svm.h and svm.cpp which in the libsvm (Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Chih-Chung Chang and Chih-Jen Lin All rig
svm libsvm使用中的参数说明和视频教程以及程序中数据的格式要求
- libsvm使用中的参数说明和视频教程以及程序中数据的格式要求-libsvm-use instructions and video tutorials, and parameter data in the format of the program requirements
- 用于手写体数字识别的USPS样本数据库和将MAT格式的样本数据库转换成二值化图像并以行程编码存储,For handwritten numeral recognition of the USPS database and a sample format of samples MAT database into binary image and the Run-Length Coding storage
- OpenCV机器学习SVM支持向量机的分类程序 word格式-OpenCV machine learning support vector machine SVM classification procedure word format
- A nice intro to SVM PDF format
- 是一種線性方成的分類器。SVM透過統計的方式將雜亂的資料以NN的方式分成兩類,以便處理。LIBLINEAR is a linear classifier for data with millions of instances and features. It supports L2-regularized logistic regression (LR), L2-loss linear SVM, and L1-loss linear SVM. -Main features of LIBLINEA
- 將libsvm包起來, 只要讀入一個matrix 即可 轉換成libsvm所需的格式 然後就可以跑了-The libsvm package together, as long as you can read into a matrix to convert the format required libsvm can then be run
- svm数据转化文件,利用里面的宏转化可以把数据格式转化为svm适用格式-svm data into files, use the macro inside the data format can be converted into applicable format svm
- 将.txt格式的数据转换成svm所需要的格式-Will. Txt format data into the format required for svm
- OSU-SVM,基于LibSVM但是不需要LibSVM的格式,可以在32位的电脑上运行,速度较快,比较稳定,欢迎试用。-OSU-SVM, based on LibSVM but not LibSVM format, 32-bit computer can run faster, more stable, welcomed the trial.
- 基于方向梯度直方图和SVM的人体检测算法论文,NH格式-Gradient direction histogram and SVM based human detection algorithm thesis, NH format
- svm中用于matlab平台的代码-matlab routine to achieve the image samples into libsvm data format, and write txt file
- java读取超大文本,并将格式转换成SVM标准格式-read and write big text by java, convert to SVM format
- 程序的功能是批量读取图像文件,将像素保存为txt格式,方便像素的后续处理,如SVM训练等。-Batch functionality of the program is to read the image file will be saved as a txt format pixel, pixel convenient subsequent processing, such as SVM training.
- Transform data to the format of an SVM package(libsvm) Each row represents one record [label] [index1]:[value1] [index2]:[value2] ... 2‐class label: +1, ‐1 n‐class label: 1..n
- window下的文本分类工具tmSVM,该系统在封装 libsvm 、 liblinear 的基础上,又增加了 特征选择 、 LSA特征抽取 、 SVM模型参数选择 、 libsvm格式转化模块 以及一些实用的工具。-Text categorization tool tmSVM under the window, the system on the basis of encapsulation libsvm, liblinear, added feature selection, LSA fea
- State vector machine with single class output. The code works on 32 bit numbers in IEEE 754 floating point format for single precision numbers.