- 1. 先打开规则库,读入规则集 (可比较两个规则文件rule1.txt 和 rule2.txt的差异) 2. 选择经过分词和词性标注的文件,进行句法分析 3. 分析结果文件与测试文件在同一个目录下,文件后缀名为 .pcfg 4. 分析结束后,同时产生一个新的规则文件,后缀名为.new, 可以观察规则概率值和期望次数的变化 5. 分析结果逐个以树形图方式显示,如果一个句子有多个结果,在显示框中同时显示。-1. Accounting rules to open, read the r
- 包含目录\\文件\\及键树模板类的库文件,可以直接调用,采用优化的算化-contains Contents \\ documents \\ tree template and key category of the library can be called directly, using numerical optimization of
C语言开发 BTREE 数据文件索引程序库
- 用c开发的B+树索引结构,能实现B+树基本的查找,删除,搜索功能-with the development of B-tree index structures to achieve the basic B-tree search, delete, search functions
图论算法库 C++ 语言实现
- 图论算法库 C++ 语言实现 代码内容 图论算法库,包括以下算法: 单源最短路径 Dijkstra 算法 单源最短路径 Bellman-Ford 算法 最小生成树 Prim 算法 每对节点间最短路径 Flod-Warshall 算法 语言 C++ 编译平台 VisualAge C++ 4.0 作者 starfish (starfish.h@china.com) 备注 程序用C++语言编写,在VisualAge C++ 4.0下调试通过。压
- 自己用vc6.0结合bcgcb界面库开发的分离视图窗口实例: 1.优美的界面,从标题栏、菜单栏、工具栏、状态栏均为自画图片背景,并随窗口大小动态调准; 2.分离视图,上下左右三个视窗,可实现上两视窗做工作区视窗,范例采用了treeview,下视窗作为日志视窗,范例采用了listctrl; 3.范例treeview视窗间实现了左右拖曳关联的功能,可将左右树节点相互关联,相当实用。-Their interface with vc6.0 with bcgcb database dev
- jsp tree tag 在J2EE中的运行库,jsp tree tag in the J2EE runtime
c++实现的KNN库:建立高维度的K-d tree
- c++实现的KNN库:建立高维度的K-d tree,实现K邻域搜索,最小半径搜索-K-NN algorithm implementation. It supports data structures and algorithms for both exact and approximate nearest neighbor searching in arbitrarily high dimensions.
- MFC把xml文档解析,显示在一个树形控件中,可进行增删改,保存操作,用到tiny库-MFC parse the xml document displayed in a tree control, add or delete can be changed, the save operation, use the tiny library
- r-tree及其变形的库,对于开发gis的人员很有帮助-r-tree and the deformation of the Treasury, for the development of the staff very helpful gis
- Office等文档管理编辑. 采用树状目录方式管理文档,支持文档及文档库新建、导入、改名、删除等操作、甚至整个目录及其下文档的导入等操作. 内置“题库组卷”功能. 本软件为绿色软件. -Office and other document management editor. Adopted tree management of documents, supporting documentation and the new document library, import, ren
- 一个KD-tree的类STL模板库,版本为0.7.0-libkdtree++ is an STL-like C++ template container implementation of k-dimensional space sorting, using a kd-tree.
- 自己写的,采用VB.NET写的红黑树插入算法,实现了图形显示红黑树,VS2005下编译通过-Wrote it myself, using VB.NET to write the red and black tree insertion algorithm, the realization of the graphical display a red, black tree, VS2005 compiler through the next
- 有matlab和vc联合编程实现kd树实现过程,附有它们之间转化用的max文件和动态链接库dll文件。-Matlab and vc are the joint programming process to achieve the realization of kd tree, accompanied by their transformation with the max files and dynamic link library dll file.
- 这是一个表示数据结构tree的c++模板对象,封装的非常好.tree-msvc.hh能在 visual c++下使用,如同使用stl标准模板类库一样-This is a tree data structure that the c++ template object, the package is very good. Tree-msvc.hh be able to use visual c++, as the use of standard template library stl the s
- 快速近似KNN库,是一个对于kd-tree的实现。可以用它实现特征向量的匹配。-Fast approximate KNN library, is one for the kd-tree implementation. You can use it to achieve the feature vector matching.
- Jsp XML树状菜单类库开发代码Jsp XML tree menu code library development -Jsp XML tree menu code library development
- 目录树的遍历 掌握与文件和目录树有关的系统调用和库函数。-The directory tree traversal master file and directory tree-related system calls and library functions.
- 通过指针的方式建立多叉树,源码中包括多叉树的建立,多叉树的遍历,多叉树的插入等操作,建立多叉树和对多叉树的遍历采用了c++标准模板库中队列,map,list等操作。 -Through pointers way to create multi-tree, the source code is included in multi-tree creation, multi-tree traversal, multi-tree insertion and other operations, the es
- 由树的中根序列he后根序列重建二叉树 北大题库-Reconstruction of the two fork tree by the root and the root sequence
- 枚举收藏夹源码例程,程序结合易语言扩展界面支持库,调用API函数使用树型框显示枚举的收藏夹。(Favorite source enumeration routines, programs combining easy language support library expansion interface , API function calls using a tree box displays the enumeration favorites.)