- 课程设计的生命游戏的小程序哦,用VB编写,有人工智能部分哦-Curriculum design of the game of life applet Oh, prepared to use VB, there are some artificial intelligence Oh
- 我自己调试好的,元胞自动机的一些事例程序,包括生命游戏等很多有用的事例程序,大家一起学习啊-Cellular Automata Some examples of procedures, including the game of life, and many other useful examples of the procedure and we can work together to learn ah
- 这是一个模拟生物种群的小游戏程序,可以看出在什么情况下这个生物种群会趋于稳定,什么情况下会消亡。-This is a simulation game of the species biology procedures, we can see the circumstances under which biological species that will become stable and under what circumstances will perish.
- 生命游戏的VC实现。 生命游戏其实是一个零玩家游戏。它包括一个二维矩形世界,这个世界中的每个方格居住着一个活着的或死了的细胞。一个细胞在下一个时刻生死取决于相邻八个方格中活着的或死了的细胞的数量。如果相邻方格活着的细胞数量过多,这个细胞会因为资源匮乏而在下一个时刻死去;相反,如果周围活细胞过少,这个细胞会因太孤单而死去。-the realization of the VC games to life. game of life is a zero-player games. It include
- game of life in c++ code. so enjoy the sharing is caring.
- game of life,著名的数学游戏,由英国数学家John Corner发明-game of life, a well-known mathematical game, by the British mathematician John Corner invention
- conways the game of life
- "Conway game", which redirects to here, can also refer to games as defined by surreal numbers, which John Conway also developed. Gosper s Glider Gun creating "gliders". the game of life, also known simply as life, is a cellular automaton devis
- 此为一小品游戏, 玩家必须要在在于限制次数与时间内, 猜测画面上的纸牌, 帮他们两两配对. 游戏左上角为玩家生命, 右上角可即时统计分数, 游戏上半部则为时 间血条, 在游戏结束后, 或是玩家破关时, 将进入名人堂留下名号之画面 , 玩家可在此留下属于自己的名字, 也可进入排行榜查寻名册, 游戏中全程 均有音乐音效拨放, 可以享受游戏乐趣.-This is a sketch game, players must to is to limit the f
- the article s aim is to provide a fun variation of the game of life while learning about extension methods in C# 3.0 (.NET 3.5). Using the game of life cellular algorithm, we produce various fractal images. Extension methods are used to re-factor a b
- the game of life,一种小游戏叫什么生命游戏来这,VS2008下使用c++.net编写。需要.NET 3.5-the game of life, What a game to this game of life, VS2008 using c++. Net write. Needs. NET 3.5
- game of life was created in Dev C++ (GUI). It is a cellular automaton , and was invented by Cambridge mathematician John Conway. the RULES For a space that is populated : Each cell with one or no neighbors dies, as if by loneliness. Each cell with fo
- 一个game of life 的并行程序源码在MPI的下设计的C语言程序源码。-A game of life MPI parallel program source code in the next C-language program source code.
- 智慧经典.[美]伊万·莫斯科维奇.生命的游戏:出人意料的几何趣题非常有趣味的一本书,不看白不看-Classical wisdom. [U.S.] Ivan Moscovici. the game of life: the unexpected geometric interesting question is interesting in a book, does not look white does not look
- 基于易语言的 game of life 采用易语言 标签数组 实现 -Achieved based on the the easy language' s game of life easy array of language tags
- game of life was created in Dev C++ (GUI). It is a cellular automaton , and was invented by Cambridge mathematician John Conway. the RULES For a space that is populated : Each cell with one or no neighbors dies, as if by loneliness. Each cell with fo
- 使用EASYX画图,制作的简单的生命游戏程序 作者:yangw80 <yw80@qq.com>-Use EASYX drawing, produced by the simple procedure of life game author:yangw80<yw80@qq.com>
- 约瑟夫生死游戏 30个乘客同乘一条船,由于风大浪急,必须扔下15个人,以确保安全。现在30个人站成一圈。一人起数,数到第9个人的时候,将其抛下。再从下一个人开始数,数到第9个人是将其抛下。以此类推,直到剩下15个人为止。求哪些人会剩下。-Joseph game of life and death 30 passengers with a boat ride, due to stormy, 15 people must be dropped in order to ensure safe
- 生命游戏(game of life)源代码,虽然不是图形化界面,但可视性还算不错-game of life (game of life) source code, though not the graphical interface, but visibility is fairly good
- the game of life, also known simply as life, is a cellular automaton devised by the British mathematician John Horton Conway in 1970.[1] the "game" is a zero-player game, meaning that its evolution is determined by its initial state, req