- VHDL编写的PCI代码,PCI2.2兼容,Xillinx Virtex与Spantan II 优化,33M主频,32位宽度,全目标功能等.-prepared by the PCI VHDL code, PCI2.2 compatible Xillinx Virtex II and Spantan optimized route speed, 32-bit width, the whole objective functions.
- Xilinx is disclosing this Specification ? 第 1 章“EMIF 概述”,概述 Texas Instruments EMIF。 ? 第 2 章“Virtex-II 系列或 Spartan-3 FPGA 到 EMIF 的设计”描述将 TI TMSC6000 EMIF 连接到 Virtex?-II 系列或 Spartan?-3 FPGA 的实现。 ? 第 3 章“Virtex-4 FPGA 到 EMIF 的设计” 描述将 TI TMS320C6
- 这是用于xilinx virtex-2 pro产品的误码仪方案verilog HDL代码-verilog code for bit-error rate tester
- xapp737 from xilinx website : SPI-4.2 to Quad SPI-3 Bridge in Virtex-4 FPGAs
- Any Band-Pass filter may be converted into a tunable filter with a single tuning parameter through the use of a new Tunable Heterodyne Band-Pass Filter concept in which the frequency of the heterodyne signal is adjusted thereby translating the
- 关于DFT的文章,应用FPGA实现傅立叶变换。-Abstract—We present a domain-specific approach to generate high-performance hardware-software partitioned implementations of the discrete Fourier transform (DFT). The partitioning strategy is a heuristic based on the DFT
- This a Simulink model that demonstrates an algorithm that applies wireless security on physical layer. The demonstration is based on 802.11a (simplified) and receiver is implemented on Xilinx Virtex 4 FPGA. The RAR file inlcudes 2 files: 1. Simul
- display drive of the LCD in Xilinx Virtex-2 pro by C
- AMBA Application Note: AN119 - AHB masters and slaves design for Virtex 2 Logic Tile. -AMBA Application Note: AN119- AHB masters and slaves design for Virtex 2 Logic Tile.
- 1, 支持由板卡发起的DMA操作,既可以将板卡内的数据快速传输到PC,也可以将PC的数据读取到板卡内。DMA的可以通过PCIe的BAR0空间控制。 2, 利用Xilinx LogiCORE Endpoint Block Plus硬核,兼容Virtex 5、Virtex 6、Spartan 6系列。无缝支持PCIe x8、x4、x1速率 。 3, 在板卡的终端是标准的FIFO接口,可以接入各种形式的数据,例如AD采样数据,光纤数据,DA数据。 4, DriverStudio生成的
- Xilinx_FPGA的时钟产生模块,对应Xilinx公司Virtex、Virtex-E等比较低端的器件。能够产生2倍频和级联4倍频-generate 2X clock and 4X clock in low-end Xilinx FPGA devices
- 设计一个32位流水线MIPS微处理器,具体要求如下: 1. 至少运行下列MIPS32指令。 ①算术运算指令:ADD、ADDU、SUB、SUBU、ADDI、ADDIU。 ②逻辑运算指令:AND、OR、NOR、XOR、ANDI、ORI、XORI、SLT、SLTU、SLTI、SLTIU。 ③移位指令:SLL、SLLV、SRL、SRLV、SRA。 ④条件分支指令:BEQ、BNE、BGEZ、BGTZ、BLEZ、BLTZ。 ⑤无条件跳转指令:J、JR。 ⑥数据传送指令:LW、SW
- This a convolutional encoder in xilinx virtex-5 ML506 board FPGA. This program use matlab for comunicating with FPGA. The convolutional encoder using rate 1/2, and 1/3.The register are 3,4,5,6 and 7.-This is a convolutional encoder in xilinx virtex-5
- sha1_testbench.v -- Testbench with vectors NIST FIPS 180-2 sha1_exec.v -- Top level sha1 module sha1_round.v -- primitive sha1 round dffhr.v -- generic parameterizable D-flip flop library Performance Analysis Performance equa
- 高速AD,ADC10D1000,Virtex FPGA,10位,双路1.01.5GSPS,单路2.03.0GSPS ADC。-High speed AD, ADC10D1000, FPGA Virtex, 10 bit, dual path 1.01.5GSPS, single path ADC 2.03.0GSPS.
- Virtex-7 FPGA Gen3 Integrated Block for PCI Express v4.2
- 包含ddr_sdr_conf_pkg.vhd,reset.vhd,ddr_dcm.vhd,user_if.vhd,ddr_sdram.vhd,Mt46v16m16.vhd以及仿真TB文件;设计采用Virtex ii系列芯片,DDR_SDRAM型号为Mt46v16m16,可用于进行DDR控制的初步学习使用;通过细致了解并进行逻辑控制,可深入理解DDR芯片内部构造; 支持133MHz系统时钟频率,突发长度为2,可进行读、写、NOP、激活、自刷新配置、预充电以及各ROW/BANK的激活改变等动作,较