- Full support for extended regular expressions (those with intersection and complement); Support for some kinds of cycles in grammar; DFA-based operation; Unicode support; C++ only, requires a modern compiler; Lexical analyzers can be config
- Complete support for EBNF notation; Object-oriented parser design; C++ output; Deterministic bottom-up "shift-reduce" parsing; SLR(1), LALR(1) and LR(1) table construction methods; Automatic parse tree creation; Possibility to output pars
- 蚁群算法上传一个文件这么复杂啊?生命在长期进化过程中,积累了很多新奇的功能,人类很早就从中得到启发而改进自己的工具,如史书中记戴“见蓬转而做车辑”,传说鲁班被茅苇划破,而发明锯子……也许早先的发明,只是偶然的模仿和发现,后来人们已有意识地进行这方面的研究,这就是“仿生学”。仿生学顾名思义就是模仿生物的某些功能的学问。有名的例子很多,如模仿海豚皮而构造的“海豚皮游泳衣”、科学家研究鲸鱼的皮肤时,发现其上有沟漕的结构,于是有个科学家就依照鲸鱼皮构造,造成一个薄膜蒙在飞机的表面,据实验可节约能源3%,
- Full support for extended regular expressions (those with intersection and complement); Support for some kinds of cycles in grammar; DFA-based operation; Unicode support; C++ only, requires a modern compiler; Lexical analyzers can be configured to ge
- Complete support for EBNF notation; Object-oriented parser design; C++ output; Deterministic bottom-up "shift-reduce" parsing; SLR(1), LALR(1) and LR(1) table construction methods; Automatic parse tree creation; Possibility to output parse tree in XM
- 该书 为编译原理中的 龙虎鲸书之一虎书, 编译原理引用广泛,学习编译原理有助我们更了解语言本身,也能学习到更好的程序设计优秀的思想.-The book as one of the compiling principle of dragon whale book tiger book, Compilation principle of reference is widespread, learning compilation principle can help us know more
- 该书 为编译原理中的 龙虎鲸书之一虎书, 编译原理引用广泛,学习编译原理有助我们更了解语言本身,也能学习到更好的程序设计优秀的思想.-The book as one of the compiling principle of dragon whale book tiger book, Compilation principle of reference is widespread, learning compilation principle can help us know more
- Automated detection and localization of bowhead whale sounds in the presence of seismic airgun surveys
- PURPOSE: Registers the window class.
- 之前看到过同样效果的一款鲸鱼鼠标跟随动画特效,不过可惜的是那个动画是用flash制作的。今天介绍的这款源码是基于HTML5的鲸鱼动画,鲸鱼会随着鼠标的移动而游动,画面非常立体,鲸鱼也超级逼真。真的,HTML5确实很给力,HTML5动画完全可以完成flash能做的事情。-Before seen the same effect as a whale mouse with animation effects, but unfortunately that is flash animation prod
- matlab鲸鱼算法工具箱,包含多种无约束测试函数,多种算法进行比较,GUI界面良好,是今年国外学者新提出的仿生智能优化算法-Whale algorithm matlab toolbox contains a variety of unconstrained test functions, a variety of algorithms are compared, a good GUI interface is intelligent bionic year foreign scholars p
- 能实现一条鲸鱼随鼠标而动,非常的可爱,非常美观(Can achieve a whale, with the mouse moving)
- This function initialize the first population of search agents f each variable has a different lb and ub f each variable has a different lb and ub Whale-Optimization-Algorithm
- 非常好的智能优化算法,最近几年研究出来的,比较新,而且优化性能很好(a very good, novel artificial intelligence optimization algorithm, named whale optimization algorithm (WOA))
OFA Matlab
- 鲸鱼优化算法,用matlab实现的,优化问题为基准测试函数。(Whale optimization algorithm, using MATLAB to achieve the optimization problem as the benchmark function.)
- swarm intelligence algorithm
- 鲸鱼算法的基础上 加上levy飞行算法!!!!优化了速度 学习用(The whale algorithm is based on the Levy flight algorithm!!!! Optimized for speed learning)
Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA)
- Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA)
- 文件包含了多种时延估计算法对应的代码、TDOA代码,以及调试程序用的GUI界面和数据、说明文档等。(The file contains the code corresponding to a variety of time delay estimation algorithms, the TDOA code, and the GUI interface and data used by the debugger, and the descr iption of the document.)
- The Whale Optimization Algorithm