- 杭州利宇泰公司的基于44B0的ARMSys开发板上的大量源代码,包括ADC、ARP、彩色LCD、外部中断、以太网底层函数、FAT16文件系统、Flash ROM、GUI软件包、Helloworld程序、IIC接口、扫描键盘、Ping程序、44B0内置RTC示例、SDRAM接口、定时器示例、触摸屏示例、UART示例和uC/OS-II的移植、应用(包括多任务、任务间通信、中断服务程序)、UDP数据传输、USB固件编写等程序代码和工程。一次性共享给大家使用。可以作为其他samsung44B0开发板上应
- CS8955控制TV软件。用MCU做模拟电视的控制。,CS8955+TV+TNJ7355(tuner).The CS8955 micro-controller is an 8051 CPU core embedded device targeted for LCD Monitor, LCD TV, Home Appliance, or Consumer Products application. The CS8955 is pin-out compatible with MCS-51
- 花钱购买的C51学习板里的源码,包括电路图,源码和hex文件,参照图纸接线后,直接烧录可运行。 内容齐全,包括键盘,数码管,温度显示芯片,LCD,ADC数模转换,时钟显示芯片,连接电脑键盘,与电脑通信,蜂鸣器,红外遥控等。。。单片机入门好资料-To spend money to buy the C51 source in the study board, including schematics, source code and hex file, in the light of wirin
- 通过MSP430的ADC12 对内部温度传感器进行数据采样,把温度显示到LCD-ADC12 through MSP430430s internal temperature sensor for data sampling, the temperature display to the LCD
- MSP-TEST44X 学习板光盘资料及实验说明 本学习板是按照教育大纲,采纳国内外许多单片机实验仪的优点,保持了传统机的实验 项目,增加了以实用技术为主的许多实验。实验内容涉及到端口,时钟,FLASH 读写,看 门狗,硬件乘法器,TIMER_A_操作,TIMER_A ,ADC&bt&lcd,通讯操作(232,485, SPI),键盘操作(独立按键,行列按键),LED 显示,LCD 点阵操作,扩展 DATA FLASH 操作, EEPROM 共 1
- Source code for interfacing LCD module and I2C based ADC to ATmega16 uC
- codes below are usefull codes for using peripherals with popular microcontrollers ADC test code for PIC 18f452 on chip ADC, connect a pot or any analog source and test the functionality of On chip ADC LCD INterface code for 18f452 RTC
- sample code psoc ADC UART LCD.
- 学习MSP430系列16位超低功耗单片机的绝佳资料,包括: 1、实验板原理图 2、IAR的使用方法说明 3、12个实验题目内容,详细解释和相应的源代码: 实验一 IO与时钟 实验二 键盘与LED 实验三 定时器实验 实验四 外围模块操作 实验五 使用口线模拟IIC操作 实验六 同步通讯模块与扩展FLASH 实验七 异步通讯模块 实验八 ADC与LCD 实验九 图形点阵LCD 实验十 超低功耗实验 实验十一 模拟设定时间和RS-485通信实验
- qq2440的非操作系统测试代码,包括串口.LCD屏.ADC,USB,RTC,IIC,DMA,等操作,数目量大,在其它的网站上是找不到的,是学习ARM不可多得的好材料。建议大家在熟悉此代码的基础上可以试着改写以熟炼此内容。-qq2440 non-operating test code, including the serial port. LCD screen. ADC, USB, RTC, IIC, DMA, and other operations, the number of large,
- 基于msp430的心电显示程序源代码,开发环境为IAR for 430,程序内包含430的按键、LCD、ADC等重要驱动。-Msp430-based ECG to show programming source code, development environment for the IAR for 430, 430 program contains buttons, LCD, ADC and other important drivers.
- PIC C CODE (MPLAB), This Code can be used to Work with a LCD Display and the built in ADC, in the code the ADC is set to get temperature from a LM35 temperature sensor, and it also receives data from the RS232 port and show it in the LCD Display.
- using Microcontroler as an ADC to controle an Motor using pwm with lcd file content: micro controler code in c simulation to circuit
- arm裸板驱动开发adc操作的相关代码,由clock.c gpio.c lcd.c mmu.c uart.c等组成-adc arm bare board-driven development operations related to the code, by the clock.c gpio.c lcd.c mmu.c uart.c etc.
- 共有11个基础实验,LED闪烁,开关控制LED、LCD、UART、EINT1外部中断,多个外部中断、中断结合串口、定时器、SPI通信、SPI(多从设备)通信、ADC数模转换,在KEIL环境下编译程序,并在Protus中仿真,是学习ARM7的好资料-There are 11 basic experiment, LED flash, switch control LED, LCD, UART, EINT1 external interrupt, a number of external interr
- C代码主要做4件事:1.触摸屏定位采集:X轴12bits Y轴12bits 若ADC不足12bits,应在低位补0以凑足12bits。以串行输出。2、按键:取值范围0~63. 3、状态指示:1为点亮,0为熄灭 . 4、背光调节-C code basically do four things: 1. The touch screen location acquisition: X axis 12 bits Y 12 bits if insufficient ADC 12 bits, should
- 将代码下载到ARM9中进行测试,包括lcd,led,adc,蜂鸣器-To download code to ARM9 test
- LM3S6965单片机的全部示范例子的代码,包括LCD、led、键盘扫描、ADC、DAC、驱动代码等,是学习M3单片机的必要资料,分享给大家。-All LM3S6965 microcontroller demonstration example code, including LCD, led, keyboard scanning, ADC, DAC, driver code, is to learn the necessary information M3 microcontroller, f
- 本代码能对ADC采集的数字量进行量化,进而在液晶屏上打印出采集的模拟量的模型。-The code can capture digital ADC to quantify the amount, and then print out the acquisition of analog models on the LCD screen.
- The code and proteus simulation demonstrate the use of an external ADC getting 3 analog inputs from 2 LM35 sensors and voltage from a potentiometer. these inputs are multiplexed to show on an LCD display.