- 【SSD7】-EX3答案(queries.sql)2008-08-01 16:48/*1.Display the ID, first name, and joining date of each member whose ID begins with the letters "A%B" or "A&B" and who joined the library no later than Nov. 30, 1997. */ SELECT libid,fname,Join_date FROM MEMB
- STL文件有文本(asc)和二进制(bin)两种格式。本程序提供了从文本到二进制格式的转换。-STL files are text (asc) and binary (bin) formats. This program provides the format from text to binary conversion.
- 开发用小工具,可以把HEX转换成BIN,或者ASC等,源码,做嵌入式开发的好帮手-Development gadget HEX convert BIN, or ASC, source, do a good helper for embedded development
- hex文件转化为bin格式文件的工具,还支持bin转asc或者asc直接转bin的小工程,带程序源码,很好用的转换工具-hex files into bin file format tool also supports bin turn asc asc or directly to bin of small projects with program source code, very easy to use conversion tool
- 可在VS下打开。修改了bin2Srec里的源码。 使用说明,打开cmd 命令窗口,输入Debug目录下bin2Srec2.exe的路径 + 空格 + bin文件路径。 回车。 在bin相同路径下会生成含有十六进制文件格式的TXT文件。 内容已经转换成S3格式的文本。(It can be open through Visual studio. Just modified a little of open resource code - bin2Srec. Using descr iptio