- convert.asm: 1.From ASCII resp. BCD to binary 2.From binary to ASCII resp. BCD 3.From binary to Hex-ASCII Bin_Bcd.c: uchar BcdToBin(uchar val) uchar BinToBcd(uchar val) -convert.asm : 1.From ASCII resp. BCD 2.From binary to binary t o AS
- 转贴原作者声明: ViewChr 程序使用说明: 本程序可方便浏览和调用 Hzk16(16*16中文点阵字库)和Asc16(8*16中文点阵字库)内容。 通过滚动条对字库进行浏览,通过文本框可以输入中文字符获取其字体点阵,按\"Add chr.asm\"键或回车键可以将其字体点阵16进制数据转换成对应的ASCI码追加到CHR.ASM文件中。在显示文字区域双击可切换网格显示开关状态。 如果你要做点阵屏显示中文字体程序,那这个程序将是你的好帮手。 (
- 这是一个调试单片机与计算机通信的ASM汇编程序,与testUART.rar配合使用,通信代码为ASC-This is a debugging MCU and computer communications ASM compilation procedures, testUART.rar tie with the use of ASCII communications code
- 4.asm…… 响铃程序,输入一个数字字符N,响铃N次。(完成)ysk3.asm ……显示一个星型倒三角。m1.asm ………编程将键盘输入的8位无符号二进制数转化为十六进制数和十进制数,并输出结果form.asm ……采用子程序编程按以下三种格式(██,◣,◥)打印九九乘法表:(完成)char.asm ……小写字母a b c d ……x y z的ASCII码分别为61H 62H 63H 64H……78H 79H 7AH, 而大写字母A B C D ….X Y Z的ASCII码分别为41H 42
- Free 8051 asm compiler for win new host platforms: Win32 and Linux macro processing dramatically improved conditional assembly output in Intel-HEX or OMF-51 format 37 new MCU files documentation in both ASCII and HTML format numbe
- Free 8051 asm compiler for linux new host platforms: Win32 and Linux macro processing dramatically improved conditional assembly output in Intel-HEX or OMF-51 format 37 new MCU files documentation in both ASCII and HTML format num
- ASM编程速查表, 包括ASCII码字符集, 数据类型, ASM语法速查-Suchabiao ASM programming, including ASCII character sets, data types, ASM Grammar Check
- 汇编 打印ASCII码表 显示在屏幕上-Print ASCII code compiled on the screen shown in the table below
- 单片机对rs232串口读写,接收传来的ascii码,并且将码解析成可以显示的bcd码,根据命令发送存储器或接口的代码,转换成ascii码送出rs232串口。-Rs232 serial port to read and write single-chip, to receive from the ascii code, and code analysis into bcd code that can be displayed, in accordance with an order to send
- FYD12864-0402B是一种具有4位/8位并行、2线或3线串行多种接口方式,内部含有国标一级、二级简体中文字库的点阵图形液晶显示模块;其显示分辨率为128×64, 内置8192个16*16点汉字,和128个16*8点ASCII字符集.利用该模块灵活的接口方式和简单、方便的操作指令,可构成全中文人机交互图形界面-FYD12864-0402B is a 4/8 bit parallel, 2 line or 3-wire serial interface a variety of ways,
- 按15行×16列的表格形式显示ASCII码为10H~FFH的所有字符。每16个字符为一行,每行中的相邻两个字符之间用空白符(ASCII码为0)分隔。-ascall
- ASM编程速查表, 包括ASCII码字符集, 数据类型, ASM语法速查 本文来源于虾客源码-Cheat ASM programming, including the ASCII code character set, data types, ASM Grammar Handbook for this comes from the shrimp-off source
- 转码 对敲击键盘上的每一个键进行存储 并显示其ASCII码等-Transcoding percussion on each key in the keyboard is stored and displayed its ASCII code, etc.
- ASCII - BCD - HEX. this program convert Ascii to bcd or hex format using asm for microprocesors 8086
- 一个数值显示的asm汇编,用masm写的,将数值转换成ASCII再显示-Asm a numeric display assembly, with masm write, then the value is converted into ASCII display