Audio-gather 基于VC++的音频采集程序
- 一个基于VC++的音频采集程序。音频数据采集,能显示波形可采集传感器等非音频信号,能够实时显示。至于其他功能如:回放,存储,压缩和相关处理的算法等功能由于其他技术保密。-VC++-based audio capture program. Audio data acquisition, sensors can be collected to show the waveform and other non-audio signals, real-time display. As for other
- 使用QT编写的音乐播放器源代码,界面和功能虽然较简单,但是可以作为学习Qt的不错的例子-Written using the QT music player source code, interface and features, while relatively simple, but can serve as a good example to learn Qt
- 簡介 PT2323 是特別為6CH 家庭劇院音響系統所設計的音響用輸入選擇器,並且內建2CH~6CH 轉換 器,可以直接將傳統立體聲2CH 信號轉換成為模擬6CH 信號,使用I2C 控制介面。單電源9V 供 應電壓,低成本及極佳的性能表現(THD<0.005 Typ),適合任何高性能的6CH 音響系統之應用。 特色 l 供應電源:9V l 提供4 組立體聲及一組6CH 輸入端 l 內建2CH~6CH 轉換器和副低頻低通濾波器 l 最大輸入電壓可達3.75Vr
- 在对音频特征的提取时,梅尔到频率系数是一个很好的指标-Mel frequency coefficient is a good indicator in the extraction of audio features,
- 用matlab计算一些基本的音频特征,基本的特征包括:特征统计、Energy Entropy Standard Deviation (std)、均值信息熵、过零率检测、频谱衰减-Using matlab calculate some basic audio features, the basic features include: Features and Statistics, Energy Entropy Standard Deviation (std), mean information
- KDVoicePhone Toolkit开发工具可以使你的应用程序获得声音和电话方面的特性,如:a.. 打电话或回电话;b.. 如果对话已经在进行,可以中途接听;c.. 在电话线或声卡中回放和记录音频;d.. 从电话线中检测音频信号和脉冲信号;e.. 捕获呼叫方ID;f.. 可控制本机听筒,外部的麦克风和MODEM的外部喇叭;g.. 定时事件来跟踪回放和录音的过程;h.. 录音时可检测静音;-KDVoicePhone Toolkit development tools can make your
- 电路图 里面有许多实用电路图 51编程器电路图 51单片机LED点阵电子显示屏的设计电路图 89C51单片机号音自动播放器的设计 单片机看门狗电路图 单片机控制的带语音报数功能的抢答器-There are many practical circuit diagram circuit diagram circuit diagram 51 of programmer 51 Single-chip LED dot matrix display design of electronic circu
- 在DSP上实现音频语音采集和处理等功能模块-Achieved in the audio DSP voice features such as acquisition and processing module
- Zero crossing rate using short-time processing Other audio features
- 这提供的MATLAB代码用于提取基本的音频特征。-This provides the MATLAB code used to extract the basic audio features.
- 这是一个简单的应用我建立理解波的Windows音频API的基础知识,并获得一个快速傅立叶变换(FFT变换)的基本掌握。它的功能是:双缓冲绘图,取样的音频源,选择一个录音源使用搅拌机,FFT频谱计算阵列,并策划采样数据。 -This is a simple application I built to understand the basics of the Windows Audio WAVE API, and to get a basic grasp on Fast Fourier Tra
- 描述音频特征,用于音频分类,音频情绪分析-used to describe the audio features
- Owing to the broad application value of audio watermarking in remote transmission and mobile extraction, it is very important to study watermarking approaches against A/D and D/A conversion. Based on wavelet decomposition and cepstrum technol
- 音频分割代码,实现音频特征的提取,并用几个重要的特征进行分割-Audio segmentation code, the extraction of audio features, and with a few important features to segment
- For an audio vector, it returns audio features needed to detect voice activity, os useful to other audio classification.
- his a simple method for silence removal and segmentation of audio streams that contain speech. The method is based in two simple audio features (signal energy and spectral centroid). As long as the feature sequences are extracted, as thresholding app
- This project describes the work done on the development of an audio segmentation and classification system. Many existing works on audio classification deal with the problem of classifying known homogeneous audio segments. In this work, audio recordi
- Along with investigating similarity metrics between audio material, the topic of robust matching of pairs of audio content has gained wide interest recently. In particular, if this matching process is carried out using a compact representation
- MATLAB Programs to calculate various audio features
- 音频的特征提取,是用python写的,里面有readme可以查看(audio features extraction)