- 基于OFDM的无线宽带系统仿真It contains mainly two parts, i.e. link-level simulator and system-level simulator. Link-level simulator focus on a single-cell single-user scenario, where signal is transmitted from tx, and estimated at rx. Comparing the differen
- The program simulates alamouti s code with abitrary no.s of rx. Performance analysis can be drawn. (BER vs SNR)
- Bit error probability curve for QPSK mimo 1*2, Bit error probability curve for QPSK mimo 1*4-Bit error probability curve for QPSK mimo 1*2, Bit error probability curve for QPSK mimo 1*4
- ber vs snr for awgn-rayleigh channel
- It plots the BER vs SNR for PSK and QAM
- MIMO 系统仿真,对时变信道的自适应调制-erq.m : function for ERQ algorithm in MIMO systems space_wf.m : function for spatial domain power waterfilling st_wf.m : function for spatial and temporal domain waterfilling MIMO_rate.m : Plot spectral efficiency vs SNR f
- A simple program for simulation of CDMA system with Walsh-Hadamard Code. Result of this program is plot of BER vs SNR.
- OFDM链路级的仿真器场景是单小区单用户,信号从发送端发送,在接收端进行信号估计。估计误差可以从接收和发送信号的不同得到。仿真器的输出是BLER/BER vs SNR。-OFDM Link-level simulator focus on a single-cell single-user scenario, where signal is transmitted from tx, and estimated at rx. Comparing the difference in tx/rx si
- C program to calculate the BER performance of BPSK modulation in an AWGN channel. The program takes the file "BPSK" containing voltage levels and passes it in an AWGN channel with a given SNR. The received message is then Hard decision decoded and th
- The simplest channel which we use in ideal case is AWGN channel and everyone knows that before starting siluation on the other part of the system we must simulate the AWGN channel.this is AWGN channel with a BPSK signal going through it and finally w
- Introduce the Multiuser Detection (MUD) for DS-CDMA system Give two MUD methods for DS-CDMA system –Decorrelating MUD –Subspace MMSE MUD Compare them with traditional decorrelating detection Study the BER vs. S
- 这个函数具有如下功能:对Alamouti空时编码进行仿真并绘出误码率与信噪比的关系图- This is a function that simulate the Alamouti Space-Time scheme and plot a BER vs SNR graph.
- uncoded bpsk ber vs snr waterfa-uncoded bpsk ber vs snr waterfall
- comparison of BER of unipolar line coding and polar line coding. graph of BER vs SNR
- It is BER vs SNR codes for BPSK and 4QAM
- the file which is uploaded is the uncoded systtem technique which we simulated. it gives the BER vs Snr curve.The un-coded system is simulated is by using randomly generated numbers and it s passed over the AWGN channel.the output of the matlab file
- The system simulation I have made is about Transceiver system. It s about Direct Sequence CDMA + Ultra Wide Band Simulation,which computing BER vs SNR to display the system performance. Main Program is in maindsuwb.m, you can run the overall system t
- THis transceiver system simulation to display ber vs SNR. TRansceiver is about BER comparison between LMS-RLS and MLSE receiver to invers the rayleigh fading channel. The content of system is modulation, pilot adder, awgn and rayleigh fading channel,
- This program plots the BER vs SNR for a 4X4 MIMO-OFDM system.
- bEr vs SNr over Rayleigh