- 用c#写的字符串比较算法,此算法应用于文件对比工具,比如Beyond Compare-used to write the string comparison algorithm, the algorithm used in document comparison tool For example, Beyond Compare
- 跳棋游戏, The Chinese checkers play
- hi.. this is an asm file to control KA 3525 chip.
- This paper will attempt to analyze and compare a number of different existing approaches to human detection in video. Even though there have already been a number a papers written on the topics of skin and face detection this paper will go beyo
- In this research work, we advise gateway based energy-efficient routing protocol (M-GEAR) for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). We divide the sensor nodes into four logical regions on the basis of their location in the sensing field. We install Base S
- 多路温度巡检仪采用ctrtex-M3内核的微处理器stm32为主控制器,配合数字式温度传感器、NRF24L01无线模块、液晶显示屏、LED 、及按键等组成。DS18B20温度传感器采用单总线技术实现和stm32的通信。采用NRF24L01无线传输将设备一采集到的温度信息传递给设备二。设备二的CPU将接收到的温度信息与设定的报警温度进行比较,如果大于设定的报警温度则亮对应的LED灯,并温度信息显示到TFTLCD屏上实现人机交互信息传递。按键的作用是设定设备一和设备二:如果 KEY1键按下,设置该
Beyond Compare 3
- Beyond Compare是一套由Scooter Software推出的软件,主要用途是对比两个文件夹或者文件,并将差异以颜色标示。(Beyond Compare is a set of software developed by Scooter Software. The main purpose is to compare two folders or files, and to mark the differences in color.)
- 这是免安装的文件对比软件,这个非常的好用,可以方便的对比文件跟文件夹内容(This is a non - Installation of the file contrast software, this is very good to use, can easily compare files and folders content)
Beyond Compare.app
- 比对软件-beyond comapre最新版本(beyondcompare last version)
- PHP 解密工具, GDeZender, 【更新历史】 16:32 2015-05-05 版本:v1.0.0.9 增加右键PHP 5.3、5.4 Zend解码 13:03 2015-03-19 版本:v1.0.0.8 增加PHP 5.4 Zend解码 修复增加PHP 5.3 Zend解码功能后,PHP 5.2 仅支持RM核心问题 11:03 2015-03-18 版本:v1.0.0.7 增加PHP 5.3 Zend解码 16:00 2013-05-23 版本
Beyond Compare v4.1.9
- Beyond Compare v4.1.9!!!!!
- Beyond Compare是一款Scooter Software研发的文件对比工具。你可以选择针对多字节的文本、文件夹、源代码,甚至是支持比对adobe文件、pdf文件或是整个驱动器,检查其文件大小、名称、日期等信息。你也可以选择使用Beyond Compare合并两个不同版本的文件或文件夹。
beyond compare
- 十分好用的代码比对工具,使用这个能获得代码的不同
- 源码比对工具Beyond Compare,此为绿色解压版,并自带破解程序