- BPSK is a biplar shift keying
- We simulate uncoded BER of BPSK modulated data as a function of SNR -in an AWGN channel -in a Rayleigh fading channel -in an AWGN channel when direct sequence spreading is used and compare results to the theoretical ones. We assum
- M=4的PSK通信系统进行蒙特卡罗仿真 仿真BPSK和4PSK调制信号在高斯信道下的性能,并与理论分析结果相比。 (1) 画出两条性能曲线,一条是根据理论平均错误概率画出,另一条是仿真曲线; (2) 程序的基本流程:信源产生信息比特、调制、将调制信号送入信道(产生高斯白噪声的程序)、接收端检测、将检测结果与信源原始信息比较计算误符号率和误比特率; (3) 在给定信噪比下,第二步需多次重复,以得到一个平均错误概率; (4) 信噪比范围:BPSK(0dB – 10dB),
- 通过MATLAB软件;通过仿真得出性能曲线;从而比较bpsk的性能-The bit-error rate (BER) of binary phase-shift keying in Rayleigh fading, using the Alamouti transmission scheme and receiver selection diversity in the presence of channel-estimation error, is studied. Closed-
- C program to calculate the BER performance of BPSK modulation in an AWGN channel. The program takes the file "BPSK" containing voltage levels and passes it in an AWGN channel with a given SNR. The received message is then Hard decision decoded and th
- The simplest channel which we use in ideal case is AWGN channel and everyone knows that before starting siluation on the other part of the system we must simulate the AWGN channel.this is AWGN channel with a BPSK signal going through it and finally w
- Program for Space-Time-Block-Code BPSK modulation performance as a function of SNR and BER. (MATLAB)
- bpsk 高斯白噪信道 误码率 可以设置snr-bpsk awgn ber
- *Demonstrate convolutional encoding and decoding *Simulate BER for QPSK and BPSK, plot and then **compare the result with the theoretical value. *compare SER of the Rake and ML. – Symbols are taken randomly from QPSK. – Run the simulation for
- uncoded bpsk ber vs snr waterfa-uncoded bpsk ber vs snr waterfall
- We simulate uncoded BER of BPSK modulated data as a function of SNR
- It is BER vs SNR codes for BPSK and 4QAM
- Code matlab: BER,SER,SNR in cooperation network
- 通信课程设计,直扩码的BER-SNR分析,dsss和bpsk调制,包括发送端与接收端,不同的码长在awgn信道下的性能分析。-Communication curriculum design, the DS code BER-SNR analysis, the DSSS, and bpsk modulation, including the sending end and receiving end, the performance of different code length in awgn
- OFDM+AWGN傳送與接收端模擬 加入AWGN(可加性白高斯雜訊)後比較SNR與BER之關係-OFDM+AWGN Simluation
- bpsk蒙特卡洛仿真,误码特性与信噪比曲线,几种实现的对比-bpsk Monte Carlo simulation, BER- SNR characteristic curve
- BER-SNR curve of BPSK modulator with second order diversity
- this code explains the performance of BPSK and QPSK modulation techniques in terms of there bit error probability. this code plots the simulated bit error rate of bpsk and qpsk in terms of SNR. both modulation techniques are explained in RAY
- BER vs SNR plot of BPSK modulation using Matlab in easy way-BER vs SNR plot of BPSK modulation using Matlab in easy way
dc 1st exp fair both
- Analysis, BER and SNR calculation of BPSK in matlab