- VC目录: 演示Viusal C++中创建多线程的方法 编译环境要求: 安装Viusal C++6.0 主要文件说明: ThreadDemo.cpp: 演示创建线程的C++文件 run.cmd:自动打开一个命令窗口执行程序的脚本文件-VC Contents : Presentations Khan C to create multiple threads of environmental requirements compiler : 6.0 C contemp
- 写带关键字的脚本解析可以参考这个c编译器的实现方式,高效且灵活-wrote the scr ipt with the keyword analysis can refer to the c compiler in manner, efficient and flexible
- 简介:PL0语言是pascal语言的一个子集。编译VC工程之前,需要运行run.bat将词法分析脚本和语法语义分析脚本编译成C语言。-Profile : pascal PL0 language is a language subset. VC compiler works, will also need to run the scr ipt lexical analysis and semantic analysis scr ipt syntax into C language compiler
- 一个完整的C编译器源代码, 可以编译出windows下可执行的exe文件,程序不大,总共不到2w行代码,是学习C编译器的好例子。 Features * SMALL! You can compile and execute C code everywhere, for example on rescue disks (about 100KB for x86 TCC executable, including C preprocessor, C compiler, assemble
- ************************************************************************ * * * * * THIS IS THE H Y P L A S 2.0 README FILE * * ----------------- * * * * HYPLAS is a finite element program for implicit small and large * * strain analisys of hyperelast
- 编译后可在x86上裸奔的ucosII!!! 编译脚本参见TEST.MAK c语言编译器是BC45,汇编语言编译器是tasm 连接后先生成的是test.exe。 参见MAKETEST.BAT 执行exe2bin test.exe后输入0800或8000,好像是输入0800,我记不清了。两个都可以试试。 loader.bin的作用是吧test.bin加载到内存地址0x8000处,其源码我没有了。可以参考软件Emu8086.v4.05里的一个汇编例子,它的名字大概就叫一个简单的操作系统
- paxCompiler是一个帕斯卡编程语言工具,编译工具生成机器代码为Intel处理器。编译工具的模式包括:基本的编译器和C编译器,交叉语言编程,固定装配工。 -paxCompiler is an embeddable compiler of the Object Pascal programming language. The key features of the paxCompiler are: The compiler generates machine code for
- 使用flex和bison,开发的flwscr ipt流程脚本编译程序。将类似C的语法转换成一种类似汇编语言。-The use of flex and bison, the development of the scr ipt compiler flwscr ipt process. Syntax similar to C will be converted into a similar assembly language.
- ccache 是一个快速的编译器缓存。当您编译一个程序的时候,它会缓存中间的结果。这样,不论什么时候您重新编译同一个程序,编译所需要得时间将被大大缩短。对于普通的编译来说,这可以提高编译速度5到10倍。 这个想法,来自 Erik Thiele 用bash写的 compilercache 。只不过,ccache用C再实现了一遍。但比前者性能高许多,也有更多的特性。 (注:Linux下运行)-ccache is a compiler cache. It acts as a cachin
- 直接用指令码写出第一个汇编语言编译器,然后就可以用汇编语言写新的编译器,其实很多语言都可以写汇编编译器 比如第一个C语言编译器可能是用汇编写的,但是以后的C编译器都可以用C语言来写,神奇吧,哈哈 -Directly write the scr ipt the first assembly language compiler, and then you can use assembly language to write a new compiler, in fact, many la
- C# application demonstrate building compiler in scientific manner Compiler to generate scr ipt that you can translate into any programming language
- 实现了类似于C语言语法的脚本解释功能,已经封装为C++类,包含了词法分析、语法分析功能。必须使用VC6.0打开-Achieved similar to the C language syntax, scr ipt interpretation function, has been encapsulated as C++ class that contains the lexical analysis, grammar analysis. Must use the VC6.0 Open
- 一个小型的类C脚本的解释器源码,对于编译原理有兴趣的同学可以参考。-A small C-scr ipt interpreter source code, compiler theory for students who are interested can refer to.
- The major theme for C# 4.0 is dynamic programming. Increasingly, objects are “dynamic” in the sense that their structure and behavior is not captured by a static type, or at least not one that the compiler knows about when compiling your program. Som
- Converting a *. hex *. bin An example TCL scr ipt to convert the file into *. hex *. bin file. The program accepts 0, 1 or 2 arguments. 1-st argument - the input file (if 0 arguments - stdin), 2-th argument - the output file (if not specified -
- makefile关系到了整个工程的编译规则。一个工程中的源文件不计数,其按类型、功能、模块分别放在若干个目录中,makefile定义了一系列的规则来指定,哪些文件需要先编译,哪些文件需要后编译,哪些文件需要重新编译,甚至于进行更复杂的功能操作,因为makefile就像一个Shell脚本一样,其中也可以执行操作系统的命令。 makefile带来的好处就是——“自动化编译”,一旦写好,只需要一个make命令,整个工程完全自动编译,极大的提高了软件开发的效率。make是一个命令工具,是一个解释make
- 有没有想过使用 C 语言作为游戏脚本? TinyC 可以让你实现这个想法. 这是个微型的 C 语言编译器, 可以附加在宿主程序上, 运行时编译任何 C99 代码.-Have you ever thought to use C language as a game scr ipt? TinyC allows you to implement this idea, which is a miniature of the C language compiler, can be attached to
- A c compiler source code. Tiny C Compiler feature: SMALL! You can compile and execute C code everywhere, for example on rescue disks (about 100KB for x86 TCC executable, including C preprocessor, C compiler, assembler and linker). FAST! tcc gener
Call function by name in C++
- Useful for scr ipting language development
- linux下C/C++编译脚本。本源码封装makefile系统的格式的命令,只需对源码进行少量修改(修改make/head.mk)便可以进行交叉编译。不进行交叉编译的同学可以直接修改makefile文件里面的字段(字段意义在对应文件内有说明)即可。本系统支持多级目录递归编译。-C/C++ Linux compiler scr ipt. This source code package makefile system format command, simply a small number of