broadvoice 32
- BroadVoice?is a family of speech coding algorithms created by Broadcom and standardized by CableLabs? SCTE? and ANSI for Voice over IP applications in cable telephony. BroadVoice is also part of the ITU-T Recommendations J.161 and J.361. To encourage
- BroadVoice® is a family of speech coding algorithms created by Broadcom and standardized by CableLabs® , SCTE® , and ANSI for Voice over IP applications in cable telephony. BroadVoice is also part of the ITU-T Recommendations J.161 and J.
- Seagull is a free, Open Source (GPL) multi-protocol traffic generator test tool. Primarily aimed at IMS (3GPP, TISPAN, CableLabs) protocols (and thus being the perfect complement to SIPp for IMS testing), Seagull is a powerful traffic generator for f
- 这是一个DOCSIS规范合作努力的结果在有线电视实验室,公司的方向进行电缆行业及其客户的利益。本文档可能包含对未拥有或控制的其他文档的引用。CableLabs。使用和理解本文档可能需要查阅其他文件。设计、制造、分销,基于此,使用、销售或服务产品或提供服务文件可能要求第三方提供知识产权许可证。本文档中引用的技术。(This DOCSIS specification is the result of a cooperative effort undertaken at the direction o