tcl/ns2/queuing algorithms/tcp/udp
- Compare the three different queuing algorithms Drop tail, Stochastic fair queuing and Random early detection. determine which queuing algorithm gives the least lost packets for the three different queue lengths
- TCP友好的多媒体通信仿真,有如下特点: 支持MPEG4文件,支持CBR/VBR UDP流,支持AIMD流媒体控制-The power and connectivity of today s Internet presents the opportunity for interactive multimedia applications across the world. However, today s Internet has been predominantly designed fo
- A ns2 simulation of a network containing a ftp agent attached to a tcp node and a cbr source sending packets in a 10 node network.
- Option explanation type: traffic/connection type. Must be tcp or cbr. nn: number of nodes. seed: seed for generating random number. It is used to generate the random starting time of the traffic. mc: maximum number of connections.
- Option explanation type: traffic/connection type. Must be tcp or cbr. nn: number of nodes. seed: seed for generating random number. It is used to generate the random starting time of the traffic. mc: maximum number of connections.
- This document (ns Notes and Documentation) provides reference documentation for ns. Although we begin with a simple simulation scr ipt, resources like Marc Greis’s tutorial web pages (originally at his web site, now at http://www.isi. edu/nsnam/n
- wirelss aodv.it is written in rich text format.consist of two nodes.two wireless nodes with tcp udp cbr ftp sink
- cbr-50-tcp It is widely accepted that UDP is the preferred transport layer for delivery of real-time CBR workloads, such as voice or video. I
- Descr iption: This network consists of 22 nodes. After creating the nam file and trace file, we set up topography object. Set node_ ($i) [$ns node] is used to create the nodes. Here we set the initial position for the every node by using init
- ex1.tcl Performance Evaluation of TCP and CBR connections sharing a bottleneck link. rdrop.tcl Performance Evaluation of TCP and CBR connections with random drops. ex3.tcl Several TCP connections. Delays and initial trnamission times created at r
- NS (Version 2) is an open source network simulation tool. It is an object oriented, discrete event driven simulator written in C++ and Otcl. The primary use of NS is in network researches to simulate various types of wired/wireless local and wide are
- NS (Version 2) is an open source network simulation tool. It is an object oriented, discrete event driven simulator written in C++ and Otcl. The primary use of NS is in network researches to simulate various types of wired/wireless local and wide are
- tcl scr ipt for wired network with tcp
- PDF simulator NS2, How to use CBR, TCP