- 简单的图形处理程序,供大家分享。程序运行后,首先从图中截取一块区域,然后程序会对这个区域计算像素均值和欧几里得差值,并得到结果。 -Simple graphical procedure for everyone to share. Program runs, the first interception of a regional map, and then the procedure will be calculated in the region and the pixel averag
- 使用采样来确定目标区域的阈值,已分割图像。-This program is used to segment areas from an image and pick up some objects which satisfies ordered features. Firstly, you can use your mouse cut off an area as a sample. Moreover, the program will show you the output gray im
- 简单的图形处理程序,供大家分享。程序运行后,首先从图中截取一块区域,然后程序会对这个区域计算像素均值和欧几里得差值,并得到结果。-Simple graphical procedure for everyone to share. Program runs, the first interception of a regional map, and then the procedure will be calculated in the region and the pixel average d