- 利用有限元法,用comsol和matlab软件计算光子晶体三维带隙-With finite element method, using comsol and matlab software to compute three-dimensional photonic crystals band gap
- comsol多物理耦合场软件的建模指南,有详细的建模步骤-Comsol much physical coupling field software modeling guidelines, have detailed modeling steps
- 利用COMSOL求解二维本征值方程,是一个comsol的教学视频-comsol eingenvalues
- 比较matlb理论计算与comsol软件计算米氏散射,对表面等离基元感兴趣的可以关注-More matlb theoretical calculation of Mie scattering with comsol software, such as from the primitive to the surface plasmon of interest can focus
- 用comsol做声固耦合的例子,例子的内容是声子晶体的投射系数,对用comsol来计算声子晶体的初学者很不错-Coupled with comsol said anything solid examples, examples of the content is the projection coefficient of phononic crystals, the phonons with comsol to calculate the crystal is very good for beg
- comsol V4.2介绍,对comsol软件总体描述-comsol V4.2 introduced a general descr iption of comsol Software
COMSOL 5 for Engineers-Mehrzad Tabatabaian
- COMSOL工程案例的英文书籍,亚马逊网站可查,售价不费。(COMSOL project case of English books, Amazon website can be found, the price is not cost.)
COMSOL Multiphysics弱形式入门
- COMSOL为复杂科研仿真提供了友好的弱形式界面,类似于PDE方程,但相关手册至今未汉化,这是目前能找到的比较好的入门资料了。(COMSOL for the complex scientific simulation provides a friendly weak form interface, similar to the PDE equation, but the relevant manual has not finished, which is now able to find a b
COMSOL 有限元素分析之化工大法
- 化工仿真过程中,需要考略化学材料间反应后产生的复杂物理变化,这对于专业知识不够广泛的仿真工程师而言很头疼,但COMSOL内置了大量已知的化学反应式,可供直接调用,极大的简化了工程人员的工作量。(In the process of chemical simulation, it is necessary to examine the complex physical changes caused by the reaction between chemical materials, which i
- 关于comsol的操作符&数学函数以及错误信息说明的书籍资料(Information about COMSOL operator & mathematical function and error information)
- 文档中对如何进行comsol与matlab互调进行了详细说明。(In the document, the intermodulation of COMSOL and MATLAB is explained in detail.)
comsol 普度大学声子晶体仿真模型
- comsol 普度大学声子晶体仿真模型普度大学声子晶体仿真模型(COMSOL Phonon Crystal simulation model of Purdue University)
- comsol优化模块使用介绍以及comsol与matlab的连接方法(the introduction of the comsol optimization module, the connectionmethod between comsol and matlab)
- 本资料仅用于COMSOL爱好者学习,切勿传播,本软件提供强大的多物理场分析。(This information is only for COMSOL enthusiasts to learn, do not disseminate, this software provides a powerful multi-physical field analysis.)
- comsol 前处理学习教程,较为详细,函数定义、网格剖分、建模(Comsolacdc module course, foreign translation, comprehensive learning)
- comsol基本操作指南,针对于刚上手对基础操作不熟的(comsol basic operation guide)
- COMSOL细胞松弛模型; 我们知道,生物细胞对于生命至关重要。 它们不仅以DNA的形式存储和复制遗传信息,而且在生物学过程中也起着重要作用。 在大多数(如果不是全部)过程中,细胞的机械行为是确保正常生理功能的主要因素。(Biological cells are essential for life as we know it. They not only store and replicate hereditary information in the form of DNA but als
- Computing the Bandgap of a 2D Photonic Crystal by COMSOL-MATLAB scr ipting
- 本pdf是学校培训班的专属培训资料,囊括了COMSOL的大部分操作的方法。(This pdf is the exclusive training material for the school training class, covering most of the operating methods of COMSOL.)
COMSOL Multiphysics中文使用手册
- comsol手册 comsol livlink for matlab的编译手册,使用matlab联合comsol进行编程建模(comsol manual Compilation manual for comsol livlink for matlab, using matlab in conjunction with comsol for programming modeling)