- 运动物体的跟踪,在单一背景下可以跟踪球运动的轨迹。-tracking moving objects, in a single context can track the path of the ball movement.
- 目标跟踪问题的应用背景是雷达数据处理,即雷达在搜索到目标并记录目标的位置数据, 对测量到的目标位置数据(称为点迹)进行处理,自动形成航迹,并对目标在下一时刻的位置进行预测。 ben文简要讨论了用Kalman滤波方法对单个目标航迹进行预测,并借助于Matlab仿真工具,对实验的效果进行评估。 trajectory.m产生理论的航迹,并绘出 Kalman_filter.m 利用Kalman滤波算法,对目标的航迹进行估计 filter_result.m kalman滤波估计的
- Introduction Tokenmon is a application that monitors and displays a variety of security-related activity taking place on a system. Tokenmon gets its name from the fact that Windows NT/2000 stores a process security information, including the user acc
- 1. 静态背景下的背景预测法目标检测2. 静态背景下帧间差分法目标检测 3. Mean Shift目标跟踪方法4. 重心多目标跟踪方法 ,1. Static background prediction in the context of target detection method 2. Static background frame difference method for target detection 3. Mean Shift Object Tracking Method 4.
- 运动目标跟踪算法包括: 1. 静态背景下的背景预测法目标检测 2. 静态背景下帧间差分法目标检测 3. Mean Shift目标跟踪方法 4. 重心多目标跟踪方法 ,Moving Target Tracking Algorithm include: 1. Quiescent in the context of target detection in the context of prediction 2. Static background frame difference metho
- 视频演示算法包括: 1. 静态背景下的背景预测法目标检测 2. 静态背景下帧间差分法目标检测 3. Mean Shift目标跟踪方法 4. 重心多目标跟踪方法 该框架支持的视频只限于RGB非压缩Windows AVI格式,可以通过“文件”菜单下打开视频来打开视频文件。,Video Demo algorithm includes: 1. Static background prediction in the context of target detection 2. The conte
- 该程序可以实现对于手势的跟踪和手的张开和闭合的识别以及在手张开的时候的上,下,左,右4个移动方向的识别,在单纯背景下的效果比较好.-The program can be achieved for the hand gesture tracking and identification of open and closed and open hand, when the up, down, left and right identify the direction of movement 4, i
- 一个小型的静态背景下的运动目标检测和跟踪的程序-A small static context of the moving target detection and tracking procedures
- 本程序用于提取背景检测运动物体,并对物体进行跟踪,数据来源可以是视频文件或者摄像头。-This procedure used to extract the context of moving object detection and tracking objects, data sources can be a camera or video files.
- 视频运动目标检测,包括背景预测法目标检测和帧间差分法目标检测,Meam Shift目标跟踪和多目标重心法跟踪,内含演示说明。-Video moving target detection, including the context of target detection and prediction inter-frame difference method target detection, Meam Shift target tracking and multi-purpose center
- 人体运动的检测与跟踪是目前计算机视觉领域中最活跃的研究方向之一,本系统介绍了一种用于视频监控的人体运动检测与跟踪系统,主要功能是对室内、室外固定背景下的运动人体进行检测,可以检测到运动的前景部分。-Human motion detection and tracking is the field of computer vision research, one of the most active, the system introduces a video monitor for human m
- A context-aware system is one that gracefully adapts to user environment changes, rendering its applications/services more personalized. Location has been long considered as the most important context and numerous Location Based Services have b
- 一篇2009年pami文章,《Context-aware Visual Tracking》-2009 PAMI,paper, Context-aware Visual Tracking
- 基于上下文的目标跟踪代码实现,用OPenCV编程实现,功能很强大哦-Context-based target tracking code, using OPenCV programming, very powerful oh
- “Fast Tracking via Dense Spatio-Temporal Context Learning,” In ECCV 2014的源代码,效果非常好。-In this paper, we present a simple yet fast and robust algorithm which exploits the spatio-temporal context for visual tracking. Our approach formulates the spatio-te
- 非常优秀的视觉跟踪算法,发表在eccv2014上,基于时空上下文的跟踪算法。作者非常Nice的给出了源码-spatio-temporal context tracking, very excellent tracking algorithm. the Matlab code can run at 300fps.
- Context tracking: Probe on high level context boundaries such as kernel and userspace. This includes syscalls and exceptions entry exit.
- 是一篇关于STC时空上下文目标跟踪的文章,是张快华老师写的-Is a STC spatiotemporal context target tracking articles, is written by Zhang Kuaihua teacher
- 时空上下文视觉跟踪(STC)算法的解读与代码复现,首次在论文《 Fast Trackingvia Spatio-Temporal Context Learning》提出 -Spatio-Temporal Context Learning visual tracking (STC) algorithm and code reuse existing interpretation, for the first time in the paper《Fast Trackingvia Spatio-T
- Linux specific until context tracking code gets ported to BSD Last context, perform cleanup. -Linux specific until context tracking code gets ported to BSD Last context, perform cleanup.