- 这段代码可以通过一段贝塞尔曲线画出一个杯子,并可以切换纹理。(建议在linux下运行)。 运行:make 编译,./Courbe coupe.glb ,在 coupe.glb 文件中有多项属性可供修改,用来控制纹理文件,纹理大小,控制点个数和控制点坐标。-This code can draw a Bezier curve of a cup, and can switch texture. (Recommendation run in linux). Operation : make comp
98 World Cup
- 98 World Cup 的JAVA程序-98 World Cup Java Programs
Your First Cup of Java (for Win32)
- Your First Cup of Java,初学者的第一杯咖啡。-Your First Cup of Java, beginners the first cups of coffee.
- 第二届“飞思卡尔”杯全国大学生智能汽车竞赛 上海交大 SpeedStar 技术报告-The second Freescale Cup National Smart Car Rally College Students SpeedStar Technical Report SJTU
- Robot moving for robotic cup
- report for 2009Baidu cup computer contest
- 第四节百度杯A题答案。水杯的问题!To solve this problem, you should know that the volume of one cup is pi * (r * r + R * R + r * R) * h / 3. If you don t know this formula, you could find by this formula: s * h / 3. It s the formula to calculte the volume of ta
- cup 的设计源代码,含有一步乘除法的功能,在fpja上已经测试过。 望对大家有所帮助-cup design source code, which contains step multiplication and division functions in fpja have been tested. We hope to be helpful
- 一台电脑(参考图)的基本组成部分包括的硬件主要有CUP,主板,硬盘,显卡以及内存等.OK,现在的需求就是要去造一台电脑,可计算机生产商有没给我们提供生产电脑的方法(MackPC)呢?没有吧,那么我们自己来定义一个总可以吧 -A computer (see Figure), including the basic hardware components of the main CUP, motherboards, hard drives, graphics cards and memory.
- CUP利用率和内存利用率会实时显示设备当前的系统状态。如果同时运行太多程序而变得很慢,可以用此来查看。-CUP utilization and memory utilization in real time the display device the current system state. If you run too many programs have become very slow, you can use this to view.
- 历年TI杯优秀论文集之09年NEC杯国赛优秀论文(宽带直流放大器、光伏并网发电模拟装置、 D无线环境监测模拟装置等)-TI TECHNOLOGY Cup over the years of outstanding State Cup tournament in 2009 NEC Outstanding Paper (broadband dc amplifier, photovoltaic power generation simulator, D simulation of wireless e
- 历年TI杯优秀论文集之08年模拟大赛之河北省(多功能计数器-华中科技大学简易心电图仪)-TI TECHNOLOGY years of excellent cup competition of the Hebei Province in 2008 simulation (multi-function counter- Huazhong University of simple ECG)
- 历年TI杯优秀论文集之08年模拟大赛之陕西省(电子表误差检测仪西安交大.pdf高精度程控电压放大器 西安通信学院.pdf)-TI TECHNOLOGY years of excellent cup competition of the 2008 simulation of Shaanxi Province (electronic clock error detector Xi' an Jiaotong University. Pdf programmable precision volta
- 历年TI杯优秀论文集之08年模拟大赛之成都电子科技大学-TI TECHNOLOGY years of excellent cup competition of the 2008 simulation of Chengdu University of Electronic Science and Technology
- 历年TI杯优秀论文集之08年模拟大赛之江苏省-TI TECHNOLOGY years of excellent cup competition of the 2008 simulation of Jiangsu Province
- 安徽省韦煌杯电子设计竞赛的源码文件 Nokia5510-Huang Wei in Anhui Province Cup Electronic Design Contest of the source file Nokia5510
- 世界杯足球赛成绩统计 JAVA编写的静态文件-World Cup score statistics prepared by the static files JAVA
- 历届TI杯优秀论文,对参加全国大学生电子竞赛的有帮助-TI cup previous outstanding paper , the National Undergraduate Electronic Competition
- 这是一个封装非常好的按钮类和对话框类,好的编码风格,让你耳目一新-This is a very good package button class and the dialog class, good coding style, so you refreshing
- 基于vc++的opengl茶杯建模,其中有动画、纹理和光照等设置-The opengl vc++ based modeling of the cup, including animation, texturing, and lighting and other settings