- sample timid database with 10 speakers with 10 sample wav files and others.
- This system is a whole speaker recognition system.and have database with in it.
- BioSec Multimodal Biometric database in Text-Dependent speaker recognition
- 这是一些从很多论文数据库中下载的有关语音识别及说话人识别方面的中文文献,很有价值,希望对读者有用!-These are a lot of papers from the database to download the speech recognition and speaker recognition aspects of Chinese literature, great value, hope useful to readers!
- This paper presents results of speaker recognition experiments using short Polish sentences. We developed and analyzed various vector quantization representations in order to first maximize identification effectiveness and second to compare VQ (vecto
- 建立了普通话语音性别数据库,提出联合梅尔频率频谱系数(Mel2f requency Cep st rum Coefficient s , MFCC) 的特征提取方法和支持向量机(Support Vector Machine , SVM) 的分类方法进行说话人性别识别,并与其它分类方法进行比较。-A Chinese speech ( mandarin ) database was established for speaker s gender recognition. A combina
- 摘要说话人识别在自动身份鉴别方面具有重要的现实意义。文章在分析了说话人识别实现的可行性基础上*提出采用长时线性预测倒谱 +,--.,)系数和矢量量化 /0)模型的不依赖于文本的说话人识别方法,并成功地地应用于一个数据库查询系统中-Abstract speaker recognition has important practical significance in terms of automatic authentication. The article analyzes achieve th
- 基于GMM的说话人识别,搭建了一个说话人识别系统用于试验测试,验证了一些参数对性能 的影响,同时使用了多线程并行处理技术,以此缩短识别时间:并提出了一种放 大特征向量差距,变换特征向量在特征空间的分布来提升大容量语音库中说话人 识别率的方法。 -GMM-based speaker recognition, to build a speaker recognition system used for pilot testing to verify the performance i
Conditioning and A New database for Text- Dependent speaker recognition Research
- Text Dependent (TD) speaker recognition systems assume that the password to be uttered by the speaker is known to the system. As the password is known, the system can apply a password-specific model capturing the speaker dynamics well. This enables T