- Displaying a large bitmap file on a dialog box, in its original size, is quite difficult in the VC++ environment. However, it is possible to display a large bitmap to a predefined area of the dialog by using the StretchBlt( ) function.The major disad
- 一个很好的对话框界面的例子,告诉你怎样设置一个位图作为对话框的的背景图片,不过要注意必须是picture的Tab顺序为1才能使其他控件不被覆盖。-a good example of the dialog interface, tell you how to set up a bitmap as a dialog of the background image, but to the attention of the picture must be the order of a Tab other
- WINCE系统下对话框中位图按钮的制作,可轻松直接使用或移植,WINCE system dialog bitmap button production, can be easily used directly or transplant
- VC++基于MFC中,综合图形绘制,设置,颜色对话框,位图显示等-Graphics drawing, Settings, color dialog, bitmap display
- Displaying a large bitmap file on a dialog box, in its original size, is quite difficult in the VC++ environment. However, it is possible to display a large bitmap to a predefined area of the dialog by using the StretchBlt( ) function.The major disad
- 1. 修改对话框的背景颜色 2. 用位图作为对话框的背景 3. 改变静态控件文字和背景颜色 4. 改变编辑框文字和背景颜色 5. 改变CheckBox的文字和背景颜色 6. 改变RadioBox的文字和背景颜色 7. 改变按钮的背景颜色和文字颜色 8. 在对话框中使用Picture控件 9. 修改Picture控件显示的位图 10.使用LoadImage从资源装入位图-1. Modify the background color of dia
- 这是我从网络上看到的修改按钮的文章后建立的一个小工程,它是基于CButtonST类对按钮进行设置的,如按钮上添加透明位图,单击按钮时动态的显示按钮。非常适合做一个好的对话框。-This is me from the network on the Modify button to see the article after the set up a small project, it is based on the type of button CButtonST settings, such a
- 按按钮在对话框picture控件上显示位图,点击radio可以在显示的位图上指示当前鼠标位置,并显示在另外一个按钮上,同时按比例显示在另外一个picture控件上-Press the button in the dialog box shows up picture control bitmap, click the radio can display instructions bitmap on the current mouse position and show up at another
- 基于对话框类的几类条形码位图显示及打印的程序-Several types of class-based dialog bitmap display and print bar code program
- 可实现位图形式的对话框,美化程序框架,且编程方便-Can realize the dialog bitmap format, beautify the procedural framework, and programming convenience
- 一个掷骰子小游戏,主要练习对话框中位图的显示与操作。-A dice game, the main practice dialog bitmap display and operation.
- 状态栏显示当前时间、BMP位图、显示进度条、为对话框窗口创建状态栏-Status bar displays the current time, BMP bitmaps, show the progress bar, status bar for the dialog window to create
- 该工程主要展示来GDI对象Cbitmap的使用方法,在一个对话框上显示了8副图像-The project mainly to show Cbitmap use of GDI objects in a dialog box shows the eight images
- 仿QQ风格的对话框自绘 。附上一个十分有用的图片处理类,可以直接用于对位图.jpg图片的处理。-Like QQ-style dialog from the painting. Attach a very useful image processing class, can be directly used for the bitmap. Jpg image processing.
- 半透明对话框的实现 ① 创建一个与当前显示设备环境相兼容的位图对象 ② 创建一个与当前显示设备环境相兼容的内存设备环境 ③ 将位图对象选入到内存设备环境中 ④ 调用 BitBlt( ) 函数将显示设备环境中的图像拷贝到内存设备环境中来 ⑤ 对内存设备环境中的位图进行逐点亮度处理 ⑥ 在 OnPaint( ) 函数中将已处理的位图通过 BitBlt( ) 函数拷贝回显示设备环境 ⑦ 删除掉选入到内存设备环境中的位图对象以及设备环境对象 -① trans
- 本实例将实现使BMP位图作为对话框背景的效果,实例的运行界面见源码部分-bitmap as dialog background
- PBX that displays the standard Windows credentials dialog, with full control over all features, like dialog bitmap, etc.
- 这是一个仅仅实现了,给MFC程序的对话框添加位图背景的程序-This is a mere realization, the dialog box to add to the MFC program bitmap background program
- 动态的加载一幅BMP位图 基于对话框显示 编译运行已通过-Dynamic load a BMP bitmap display dialog-based Compile and run through
- VC 实现透明位图的粘贴,并在对话框中显示。-realize the paster of the transparent bitmap through vc, and disply in the dialog