- 消息中有什么? 是否觉得一个消息记录中的信息像希腊语一样?如果是这样,那么看一看下面的解释: hwnd 32位的窗口句柄。窗口可以是任何类型的屏幕对象,因为Win32能够维护大多数可视对象的句柄(窗口、对话框、按钮、编辑框等)。 message 用于区别其他消息的常量值,这些常量可以是Windows单元中预定义的常量,也可以是自定义的常量。 wParam 通常是一个与消息有关的常量值,也可能是窗口或控件的句柄。 lParam 通常是一个指向内存中
- 自动完成的复合框的实现在AutoCompleteCombo.cpp和AutoCompleteCombo.h两个文件中,用户可以把这两个文件引入自己的工程中,删除\"工程名.clw\"文件后退出,再次进入工程系统会提示找不到\"工程名.clw\"文件,选择\"“是(Yes)\"重新创建一个,接下来在弹出的对话框里选择\"Add all\"就可以在新工程中使用CAutoCompleteCombo这个类了(注意引入头文件),我在示例对话框中创建了一个CAutoCompleteCombo类型的变量\"m
- ....\\瑞利平坦衰变信道.doc ....\\channel_model ....\\AS2sigma_gaussian_90.mat ....\\AS2sigma_gaussian_180.mat ....\\AS2sigma_laplacian_90.mat ....\\correlation.m ....\\dialog.m ....\\erfcomp.m ....\\geometry2correlation.m ....\\Rxx
- Version : 5.0 (New Version) 1- copy all files and directories to the MATLAB's work folder * In order to run the program you must have Image Processing and Neural Networks Toolboxes 2- find the file named "main.m" 3- Double click
Introduction to Statistics Toolbox(demo)
- Introduction to Statistics Toolbox 很棒的demo和介绍,示例 demo/M-Files: closeDTool.m Force close DFITTOOL (without confirmation dialog) createCarDatabase.m Creates dataset array from Excel file and converts
- 通过基于对话框的MFC编程获取天气预报信息,MFC dialog-based programming access to weather information
- 基于对话框的mfc的串口程序,实现zigbee网络下数据通过串口传递给PC机。应用serialport类实现串口的通信-Mfc dialog based on serial procedures, to achieve zigbee network data transmission through the serial port to the PC. Serialport application Serial communication type
- Python语言嵌入到MFC的开发中,通过这个例子可以利用两种语言的优势开发程序-Many of you might have seen the numeric input fields in most commercial CAD and scientific applications that facilitate the user to write mathematical expressions. This is to allow the user to use the edit box
- 如何在MFC中调用CUDA,环境: Windows Vista SP1,Microsoft Visual Studio 2005,CUDA 2.0 步骤:1.创建一个对话框的MFC程序 -How to call MFC CUDA, Environment: Windows Vista SP1, Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, CUDA 2.0: 1. Create a MFC dialog box program
- mfc里的对话框的简单使用,包括文档和程序,挺有用的-mfc dialog in the simple use, including documentation and procedures, used quite
- a not finished project that concerns a code creator for PIC ASM programmer (mid range). It must calculate all values needed in configuring the periph of the PIC. It uses classic control in Windows Dialog Box program. I m now workin in finishing this
- 我在工作中需要使用一个对话框显示图表,还能进行放大与缩小。图像放大对滚动条CScrollView也进行了处理。-I m working on a dialog to display a type of chart.I figured I could easily find such a thing, or whip one up using the scroll functions of CWnd .
- (1) 设计一个易于理解的界面,动态显示各梯的载客与运行情况(上、下或停止),动态显示各楼层的人员停留情况与要求乘梯情况;动态显示从仿真开始到目前的时间。 (2) 可变动的参数(K、N、M、L、S、T)应在程序开始时从对话框输入 -(1) to design a easy-to-understand interface, dynamic display of the ladder with the operation of the passenger (the upper and lower
- 对使用mfc编写的程序进行换皮肤的操作 方法简单,易于学习-SkinMagic_demo23
- I m a student and very interested in VC++. I often enter this web site to get free source code. I was in need of a splitter in a dialog. I downloaded one but it s very complex and I felt it was difficult to use the control (although it s very powerfu
- vc6+yacc+lex解析执行(自动生成对话框以及对话框内的控件)VC的资源文件(.rc) 对于lex+yacc的学习很有帮助-vc6+ yacc+ lex parsing implementation (auto-generated dialog boxes, and dialog box controls) VC of the resource file (. rc) for the lex+ yacc useful learning
- MFC界面基于对话框的OpenCV+VS2008实现图像读取,边缘提取-MFC dialog-based interface to achieve the image OpenCV+ VS2008 read, edge extraction
- 使用dxf2prn软件的步骤 1)单击工具栏的dxf按牛,选择一个dxf文件. 2)单击编辑菜单下的,按层进行转换. 3)在C:下会看到sample.prn. 说明,用autocad 2004 画好图,然后转成 dxf R12的格式. 说明 如果出现 导入dxf出现死机现象是由于dxf文件太大所致,最好不好超过5m. 具体的 转prn程序 在 Gemotry 的 dxf2prnbylayer(CFile *filepath) 函数和 其他图元的dx
- vc串口通讯控件MSComm编程详解,在mfc中进行串口通讯最简单的方法莫过于在对话框中使用MSCOMM控件了,MSComm通信控件提供了一系列标准通信命令的接口,它允许建立串口连接,可以连接到其他通信设备(如Modem).还可以发送命令、进行数据交换以及监视和响应在通信过程中可能发生的各种错误和事件,从而可以用它创建全双工 、事件驱动的、高效实用的通信程序。 -vc serial communication control MSComm programming Xiang Jie, car
- GUI常用对话框 是一个比较基础的GUI练习,希望对matlab初学者有用-GUI dialog box is a common basis for comparison GUI exercises, I hope useful for beginners matlab