parallel-dijkstra 并行化思路实现dijkstra算法
- 并行化思路实现dijkstra算法。假设有p个处理器,N个顶点。给每个处理器分配N/p个顶点,求出局部的最小值,复杂度为O (N/p)。然后后一半的处理器将自己的最小值发送给第前p/2个处理器。前一半处理器接收到传来的值后,与局部的最小值比较,作为新值。继续循环,直到剩下一个处理器为止。-Parallelized dijkstra algorithm. Suppose there is p a processor, N vertex. Give each processor distributi
- Dijkstra算法是典型的最短路算法,用于计算一个节点到其他所有节点的最短路径。主要特点是以起始点为中心向外层层扩展,直到扩展到终点为止。 Dijkstra算法能得出最短路径的最优解,但由于它遍历计算的节点很多,所以效率低。Dijkstra算法是一种逐步搜索算法,通过为每个顶点n保留目前为止所找到的从m到n的最短路径来工作的。 -Dijkstra algorithm is a typical example of the most short-circuit algorithm, used
- Dijkstra算法是典型的最短路算法,用于计算一个节点到其他所有节点的最短路径。主要特点是以起始点为中心向外层层扩展,直到扩展到终点为止。 Dijkstra算法能得出最短路径的最优解,但由于它遍历计算的节点很多,所以效率低。Dijkstra算法是一种逐步搜索算法,通过为每个顶点n保留目前为止所找到的从m到n的最短路径来工作的。 c#实现算法-Dijkstra algorithm is a typical example of the most short-circuit algorithm
- Dijkstra算法--c++源代码 单源最短路径问题,或者称为最短路径问题,是要确定从s到V中没一个其他 顶点的距离,这里从顶点s到x的距离定义为从s到x的最短路径问题。-Dijkstra algorithm- c++ source code for single-source shortest path problem, or known as the shortest path problem is to determine V from s to no one other ve
- 该问题为单元最短路经问题,求出一个有向图中两点之间权值最小的路径。 Dijkstra算法要求有向图中没有权值为负的边,有向图的信息由一个邻接表来表示,另外对每个顶点都设置一个属性d[v],描述从源点到v的最短路经上权值的上界。算法中设置一个顶点集合S,反复选择具有最短路经估计的顶点u∈V-S,并将u加入S中,算法中还用到了顶点的最小优先队列,排序关键字为顶点的d值。-The issue of the shortest path problem as a unit, find a directed
- 实现Floyd算法,并求所示有向图中各顶点之间的最短路径及其长度。-Floyd algorithm to achieve, and for directed graph shown in between the vertex and the length of the shortest path.
- 迪杰斯科拉算法:从某个源点到其余各顶点的最短路径-DiGisi Kola algorithm: from a source point to the remaining vertex of the shortest path
- Dijkstra算法的基本思路是:假设每个点都有一对标号 (dj, pj),其中dj是从起源点s到点j的最短路径的长度 (从顶点到其本身的最短路径是零路(没有弧的路),其长度等于零);pj则是从s到j的最短路径中j点的前一点。求解从起源点s-Dijkstra algorithm is the basic idea: the assumption that each point has a pair of numbers (dj, pj), which is a dj point s from
- Weighted diagram/undiagram plus dijkstra/floyd algorithm ,shortest path between every two pair vertex.
- Dijkstra s algorithm.For a given source vertex (node) in the graph, the algorithm finds the path with lowest cost (i.e. the shortest path) between that vertex and every other vertex.
- 1 将顶点集V分成 S(开始只包含源点, S包含的点都是已经计算出最短路径的点) 和 V-S 集合(V-S 包含那些未确定最短路径的点) 2. 从V-S中选取这样一个顶点w: 满足经过S集合中任意顶点 v到w 的路径最短, 即 满足( 源到v的路径 + v到w的路径) 最小的那个w. 其中v 属于S, w属于S-V。将w 加入S, 并从V-S中移除w. 3. 如此反复,直到V-S变空集为止-1 to the vertex set V into S (the beginni
- Dijkstra算法思想:每次从V-S取出具有最短特殊路径长度的顶点u,将u添加到S中同时对数组dist作必要的修改,一旦s包含了所有v中顶点,dist就记录了从源到其他顶点之间的最短路径长度。-Dijkstra Algorithm idea: Every time out from the VS special path with the shortest length of vertex u, u will be added to the S in the same time, make t
- Very good collection of c++ source code. Implementation of diffrents alghoritms in graph theory, such as floyd,fulkerson. dijkstra,warshall, binary tree,map coloring,vertex cover.
- 设在图G={V,E}中有一顶点r,Dijkstra算法可以求出其他所有点到点r的最短路径的跳数,这是求单源最短路径的一个最基本的算法。-There is a vertex, r, in the graph G={V,E}. As to every other vertex v, there exist several paths between v and r. The Dijkstra algorithm can get the hop count of the shortest path a
- 求第一个城市到其它城市的最短路径.用矩阵(为顶点个数)存放各边权的邻接矩阵,行向量、、、分别用来存放标号信息、标号顶点顺序、标号顶点索引、最短通路的值-The first city to find the shortest path to other cities. With a matrix (for the number of vertices) records of the right side of the adjacency matrix, row vector, were used
- 最短路径,从一个顶点到其余各个顶点的最短路径,贪心法-The shortest path from one vertex to every other vertex of the shortest path, greedy method
- 1. 初使时令 S={V0},T={其余顶点},T中顶点对应的距离值 若存在<V0,Vi>,d(V0,Vi)为<V0,Vi>弧上的权值 若不存在<V0,Vi>,d(V0,Vi)为∝ 2. 从T中选取一个其距离值为最小的顶点W且不在S中,加入S 3. 对T中顶点的距离值进行修改:若加进W作中间顶点,从V0到Vi的 距离值比不加W的路径要短,则修改此距离值 重复上述步骤2、3,直到S中包含所有顶点,即S=T为止-1 beginning of
- 从一个顶点到其余各顶点的最短路径算法,解决的是有向图中最短路径问题。(The shortest path algorithm from one vertex to the other vertices solves the shortest path problem in directed graphs.)
- 迪杰斯特拉算法是由荷兰计算机科学家狄克斯特拉于1959 年提出的,因此又叫狄克斯特拉算法。是从一个顶点到其余各顶点的最短路径算法,解决的是有向图中最短路径问题。迪杰斯特拉算法主要特点是以起始点为中心向外层层扩展,直到扩展到终点为止。(Dijkstra algorithm was proposed by Dijkstra, a computer scientist in Holland in 1959, so it is also called Dijkstra algorithm. Is the
- 迪杰斯特拉算法是从一个顶点到其余各顶点的最短路径算法,解决的是有向图中最短路径问题。迪杰斯特拉算法主要特点是以起始点为中心向外层层扩展,直到扩展到终点为止。(The Dijkstra algorithm is the shortest path algorithm from one vertex to the other vertices, and the shortest path problem in the directed graph is solved. The main featur