- 在采用二维离散小波变换对织物图像进行分解的基础上,引入了熵的概念,将小波熵作为织物图像的特征值,把熵值看作系统紊乱程度的度量,由此得到织物图像的小波熵特征值,通过与正常织物经过二维小波变换后提取的小波熵值相比较,熵值大者即认为有疵点存在-At the use of two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform decomposition of the fabric image, based on the introduction of the concep
- 1 Haar Wavelets 1.1 The Haar transform 1.2 Conservation and compaction of energy 1.3 Haar wavelets 1.4 Multiresolution analysis 1.5 Compression of audio signals 1.6 Removing noise from audio signals 1.7 Notes and references 2 Daub ech