- Movie2Mobile, written in Python, is a tool for transcoding your favorite movie into the 3gp format, used by most mobile phones. For encoding, MPlayer, MEncoder and FFMpeg is used, to offer a wide range of input formats, including DVD, AVI/MPEG and (S
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- windows mobile 动态调用dll
- opengl es 的bin函数。移动开发必须,opengl es function of the bin. Mobile development must
- 参考Php版飞信(http://sourceforge.net/projects/openfetion/)用Delphi实现了中国移动飞信2008协议的登录和发短信部分。其它功能并没有实现,不过在此基础上实现起来应该没有难度。 该程序为纯绿色软件,不写注册表,无需Dll文件和配置文件。 程序中用到的SHA1算法源码和TIEHttp控件均来源于网络,感谢二位作者。 使用之前请先注册一个飞信号。 由于很多网友使用的版本是Delphi7+Indy9,因此做了这个Delphi7版
- 程序有以下功能:C#开发 发送短信; 根据发送者和短信内容拦截短信(不完全); 通过向运行此程序的Windows Mobile手机发短信控制其打电话、发短信、开关机。-Program has the following features: C# developers to send text messages the content of messages based on sender and message interception (incomplete) to run t
- c#实现的在windows mobile的条码识别-c# windows mobile barcode reader
- 手机摸拟器:用于对于以手机平台为基础而设定的摸拟器,可以测试手机应用软件在手机上的兼容性,以及在一定状态下可以在电脑上运行而不必在手机上才能运行等好处。-Mobile simulator: for mobile phone platform for the basis set simulator to test mobile applications on the phone compatibility, and to a certain state can be run on a comput
- windows mobile 下读写短信收发件箱的所有c++代码,同时生成dll,可以用c#来调用-Under the windows mobile messaging inbox to read and write all the c++ code, while creating dll, you can use c# to call
- 超牛的黑客破解工具,可以破解windows mobile和windows系统的DLL和EXE程序。-Super cow crack hacking tool that can break windows mobile and windows system DLL and EXE programs.
- windows mobile下tapi实现监视电话线路的程序。vs2008下创建,并在windows mobile 6.1下通过测试。-TAPI Programming on Windows Mobile August 16, 2008, 8:03 pm Download the source code TAPI stands for Telephony Application Programming Interface. TAPI is the Microsoft impl
- mobile手机上的条形码识别程序样例,经ZXING开源修改而来,供需要者参考。 待有时间将采用Direct3D改进性能。-Barcode reader on windows mobile phone
- 基于 Fetionsdk.dll 飞信端程序开发而写的 , 里面的代码是我通过 Reflector 反编译中国移动开发的飞信 2008 中的 fetionFx.exe 研究的结果-Based on Fetionsdk.dll Fetion side program development and written inside the code of my China Mobile through Reflector to decompile the development of Fetion 2
- 这个是老外做短信平台的,相当好!可惜我用不上,这是最新版。-SMSLib is a programmer s library for sending and receiving SMS messages via a GSM modem or mobile phone. SMSLib also supports a few bulk SMS operators.
- C# 验证码分析,自动连接移动网站进行验证码的的获取和分析-C# code analysis to automatically connect the mobile Web site to verify the access code and analysis
- 这里是控制其它程序窗口的动态库的源程序。包括查找程序、移动窗口、最大化、最小化窗口、向窗口控件写入内容,按下某按钮,改变窗口尺寸、隐藏任务栏、显示任务-Here are other programs to control the dynamic library window of the source. Including the Finder, mobile window, maximize, minimize the window to write the contents of the w
- 由于xml文件不能被手机识别,所以不得不转化为wbxml文件,很多人都在为xml转化为wbxml文件苦恼。 这个工具可以很简单的将xml转化为wbxml文件: 首先下载该文件,解压缩,将你的同名的xml文件替换settings.xml文件,然后直接双节cmd.com文件就可以产生wbxml文件了。同时会有一个log文件产生。 文件夹里包括的库文件有:leaktrack.dll/libexpat.dll/libwbxml2.dll。希望能帮助一些急需要的人。-Xml document
- mcore dll file for mobile operations through USB do crack mcore.dll as mentioned Dim objLic As mCore.License = objSMS.License() objLic.Company = "The CompanyX Inc." objLic.LicenseType = "PRO-DISTRIBUTION" objLic.Key = "AE1K-X12R-GHEK-JEW
- opencv-2.0.0 dll file in window mobile
- 利用开源ffmpeg工程做的Windows mobile上的播放器-Using open source ffmpeg project to do a player on Windows mobile
- 此程序实现了VC向手机发送短信的功能!希望能够帮助大家!已经封装成D-This program implements the functionality of the VC to send text messages to mobile phones! I hope we can help! Have been packaged into a DLL