Foxit PDF SDK (DLL) 2.0
- Foxit PDF SDK (DLL) 2.0今天正式发布!它拥有难以置信的小巧体积和快捷的启动速度,方便您轻松开发自己的PDF应用程序。新版本不仅保留了旧版本的所有的功能(基础模块),而且还新增了两大模块——可提取文本信息的文本模块和可创建、修改PDF文件的编辑模块。, To run the demo program, please copy the "fpdfsdk.dll" included in the Foxit PDF DLL SDK package into t
- VisioForge Video Edit SDK 3.60 for Delphi 6-2009 Cracked,VisioForge Video Edit SDK 3.60 for Delphi 6-2009 Cracked
- Rickedit SDK 参考手册,很全的一份 对Rich Edit控件底层消息机制进行了讲解,Rickedit SDK reference manual, it is wholly a Rich Edit control on the underlying mechanism to explain the news
- gh0st源码 在common中包含所需要的sdk文件, vc6直接可以编辑通过, 已经去除硬盘锁.-gh0st source code is included in the common needs of the sdk files, vc6 can directly edit the adoption of the hard disk lock has been removed.
- CRichEdit,类似QQ的编辑框 可以显示BMP,JPG以及动态的GIF格式的图片 而且还能编辑字体颜色,自动换行-CRichEdit, similar to the edit box QQ can display BMP, JPG and GIF format dynamic picture but also edit the font color, wrap
- SQLite最新版本3.7.11,在VS2005基于WINCE6.0平台上编译通过,并应用于实现项目中。在VS2005中打开时需要安装TQ2440A SDK 。也可以编辑项目文件,将其修改为本机已安装的SDK平台。-SQLite latest version 3.7.11, in the VS2005-based the WINCE6.0 platforms, compiler, and applied to achieve the project. Opened in VS2005 insta
- acrobat sdk 7.0网上很难找到的好东西。想要做pdf文件相关方面编程工作的,这个是必需的。-Online acrobat sdk 7.0 it is difficult to find good things. Pdf files you want to do work related to programming, this is essential.
- 软件可以打开和编辑常见格式编码的文本文件。作为一个简单的记事本使用。可以运行在SmartPhone2003的平台上,也可以运行在任何win平台上(98/2000/XP,不过似乎没有意义的,哈哈) 由于软件使用的是vs.net2003 + SmartPhone SDK 2003开发,所以可能只能运行于Dopod 515上。-The software can open and edit the common format for encoding text files. Notepad as a
- Descr iption: This a simple Painter program using JAVA language. The program uses 4 classes to build the entire structure. Please compile using the JAVA SDK, and run the Painter.java as the main program. Program Ability: -Draw Line, FreeHand, Oval,
- 当时做毕设的程序,主要完成的是在VS2005下如何实现远程网路教学系统。利用directshow等技术,及硬件设备的SDK的函数以及OCX控件等来实现一个庞大的系统。此程序主要实现的是教学系统中的如何进行远程教学、播放、点播以及如何和PPT实现同步等功能,并且需要其他功能支持启动。-Complete set of procedures done at that time, mainly done in VS2005 How to remote online education system. U
- 本文对Windows基本控件Rich Edit控件的底层消息机制进行了讲解,以期读者对Windows平台下的Rich Edit控件有一个更深入的认识-This basic control for Windows Rich Edit control to explain the underlying mechanism of the news, with a view to the reader for the Windows platform Rich Edit Control has a be
- QQ代码 开源的,请使用linux环境编译-QQ sdk welcome to edit yourself in linux kernal.
car rental
- car rental # To enable ProGuard in your project, edit project.properties # to define the proguard.config property as described in that file. # # Add project specific ProGuard rules here. # By default, the flags in this file are appended to flags spec
- 编译通过的自行车测速安卓源码,编译通过的自行车测速安卓源码-To enable ProGuard in your project, edit project.properties # to define the proguard.config property as described in that file. # # Add project specific ProGuard rules here. # By default, the flags in this file a
- 运用安卓SDK自带的SQLite数据库实现的通讯录,支持更新、编辑、删除等功能,附有自定义对话框。-Using Android SDK comes with SQLite implementation of contacts, support updates, edit, delete and other functions, with the Customize dialog box.
- 本代码基于Baidu PCS PHP SDK,仅适用于小文件分享。需mod_rewrite,没有mod_rewrite请自行修改相关链接 安装 授权HiBCS,获取Authorization Code,以便通过Authorization Code获取10年的有效期Refresh Token 配置 `config.php` 相应参数 将获取的Refresh Token填入 `config.php` 的 `$access_token = `中 修改缩略图高度宽度 `thum
- # To enable ProGuard in your project, edit project.properties # to define the proguard.config property as described in that file. # Add project specific ProGuard rules here. # By default, the flags in this file are appended to flags specified
- android电子书毕业设计源码采用eclipse开发,SDK版本4.3,可以在MainActivity中更改章节,所有文章都放在项目下的assets文件夹里,名字是1.jpg、2.jpg、x.jpg....等,直接用记事本打开就能编辑, 配图可以在res/drawable-hdpi文件夹下更改,本项目结构简单,项目有进度转跳和字体大小设置,直接触屏底部左右部分可以实现翻页,可以很好的做通用的本地电子书的二次开发,供制作android毕业设计的同学做参考。 导入工程后一定要引入SDK包。
NPOI 2.2.1 binary package
- Excel、word、 ptt 操作组件,不需要依赖office(Excel word ptt Edit SDK)