- 提出了一种利用S函数实验结果表明:ICA可以将 脑电信号中包含的心电(ECG)、眼电(EOG)等多种干扰信号成功地分离出来-use of a S-function experimental results show : ICA EEG can be included in the heart (ECG), eyes (EOG) and other interference signal successfully separated
- 心电eeg和脑电ecg的数据,经matlab处理过了,直接用load就可以用了-datas of eeg and ecg you can use them just throw the function load
- o A In short, the purpose of this program is to work out the amount of ocular potential recorded by the electroencephalograph [EEG] (as a proportion of the potentials recorded by the electrooculograph [EOG]), and to subtract this from the EEG.
- REMOVAL OF NOISE FROM ECG (ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY) BY USING MATLAB. EEG (Electroencephalograph) recording from the scalp has biological artifacts and external artifacts. Biological artifacts, which are generated, can be EMG (Electromyography) sign
- Rapid progression of wireless engineering systems, a special domain of sensor network which supports medical diligences is the development of Autonomous Wireless Body Area Network. In this type of environment such as monitoring the health condition o
- 任何一个检测的信号都不可避免地受到干扰源的影响,脑电检测中的干扰源主要分为体内体外两大类。 体外干扰包括检测系统本身(如电极与头皮的接触阻抗的变化)、交流电源和环境中的电磁干扰源。把脑电图机的接地端与地线向量,并保持电极与头皮的良好接触,可以有效地抑制工频干扰。在电磁屏蔽室中进行脑电采集,能有效地避免环境中的电磁干扰。-eeg eog
- 可以去除脑电中的50Hz工频干扰,同时可以剔除部分生理伪迹,如眼电、肌电伪迹。- can be removed the 50Hz frequency interference of EEG, and can eliminate part of the physiological artifacts such as EOG, EMG.
biosig 4 matlab
- BioSig is an open source software library for biomedical signal processing, featuring for example the analysis of biosignals such as the electroencephalogram (EEG), electrocorticogram (ECoG), electrocardiogram (ECG), electrooculogram (EOG), electromy