8051 encoder Absolute encoder Positioner
- 8051 Absolute encoder Positioner How to connect and drive absolute position encoder with SSI serial interface. The encoder has been made by Siemens (6FX2001-5FS12). Archive contains: 1) schematic, 2) source in C and Assembler
- Mpeg的來源音頻的編碼器和譯碼器負責MPEG的ISO 組分發的1,2個第1,2,3層 -Mpeg the source audio encoder and decoder for MPEG ISO group distributed 1,2-layer 1, 2, 3
- Convolution encoder simulation
- VHDL实现循环码编码,设计了三个单元。switch是一个开关,shifter是移位寄存器,encoder是主体。
- JPEG encoder by using C
H.263 encoder TMS320C6000 Implementation (H.263 Ap
- H.263 encoder TMS320C6000 Implementation (H.263 App note) h.263的编码文档,英文的-H.263 encoder TMS320C6000 Implementation (H.263 App note) H.263 coding documents, in English
simple h264 vhdl encoder
- simple h264 encoder,source code and test code in vhdl,简单h264 硬件编码器,源代码及测试,vhdl语言
- 卷积编码器和viterbi译码器的设计与仿真-Convolutional encoder and viterbi decoder design and simulation
- Purpose: Contains example code to use a two-phase encoder with an ATmega2561. The encoder phases are connected to PORTF bits 0 & 1 and the switch is connected to PORTF bit 2. Timer 1 is configured to interrupt at 1024Hz. At startup, the enco
- 基于DSP的MPEG_4网络视频编码器实现-DSP-based network video encoder implementation MPEG_4
- pic16f628 encoder rotary encoder proximity sensor
- A High Performance CABAC encoder.pdf
ppm encoder
- 无线遥控中PPM编码器,用于把多个通道的PPM信号整合成一个脉冲信号,单片机为ATMEGA168,编译器为G-PPM encoder
adm video encoder
- delphi src: adm video encoder
adm video encoder
- adm video encoder _ delphi src
MP3 to Wave encoder
- MP3 to Wave File encoder.
Program of 4 to 2 encoder
- Verilog code for encoder
encoder and gsm
- encoder and gsm module text code csm will receive start and on the out put and receive stop to stop the output
- ros机器人开发stm32,encoder(robot of ros encoder)
STM32 encoder
- STM32外接旋转编码器(EC11),外部中断方式识别出正反转,响应速度优良,无丢步现象,无需延时滤波。在强干扰环境下测试正常。注意是仪器仪表面板常见的那种编码器,不是电机测速的那种。(STM32 Read encoder (EC11), external interrupt mode to recognizes positive and negative rotation, response speed is excellent, no step loss, no delay use. The