- Euclidean节点定位是由美国路特葛斯大学利用距离矢量路由和GPS定位原理提供出一种分布式自主定位算法-Node localization Euclidean path by the Rutgers Universitys use of distance vector routing and GPS positioning to provide a principle of self-positioning algorithm for distributed
- 利用IMA算法,提取三维模型的骨架,希望对大家有用!-It contains the sources of the C-implementation of the IMA skeleton of a 3D data set as described in the paper:W. H. Hesselink, J. B. T. M. Roerdink: Euclidean skeletons of digital image and volume data in linear time b
- matlab源代码,是非负矩阵分解工具箱,包含乘法更新,最小二乘约束,投影梯度法等方法-Usage: [W,H] = nmf(X,K,alg,maxiter,speak) W: output matrix H: output matrix X: input matrix K: number of components alg: algorithm to use maxiter: maximum number of iterations speak: p
- 利用最小二乘法来对w和b进行估计。最小二乘法就是试图找到一条直线,使得所有样本到直线上的欧式距离之和最小。(The least squares method is used to estimate W and B. The least squares method is trying to find a straight line, so that the sum of Euclidean distance of all the samples to the line is minimum)