- FASTLOMB caculates the Lomb normalized periodogram (aka Lomb-Scargle, Gauss-Vanicek or Least-Squares spectrum) of a vector x with coordinates in t. The coordinates need not be equally spaced. In fact if they are, it is probably preferable to use
- FASTLOMB caculates the Lomb normalized periodogram (aka Lomb-Scargle, Gauss-Vanicek or Least-Squares spectrum) of a vector x with coordinates in t. The coordinates need not be equally spaced. In fact if they are, it is probably preferable to use
- nfftls is a program for fast computing Lomb-Scargle periodograms. The present archive contains an example of C implementation of the code described in B. Leroy, "Fast calculation of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram using nonequispaced fast Fourier t
- nfftls is a program for fast computing Lomb-Scargle periodograms. The present archive contains an example of C implementation of the code described in B. Leroy, "Fast calculation of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram using nonequispa