- run the SGALAB_MO_VEGA_demo.m in command windows. to get beta3 version here: http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/loadFile.do?objectId=5882 What s new: 1)fixed a critical bug in selection operation 2)update the 13 c
- TCP协议下的文件传输系统,服务器端和客户端间通过IP地址的确认来实现通信-the TCP file transfer systems, servers and clients to pass the IP address to confirm communications
- KL人脸识别的MATLAB代码,内有其源代码,详细可看http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/loadFile.do?objectId=6995&objectType=file-KL face recognition MATLAB code, which has its source code, detailed look at http : / / www.mathworks.com / matlabcentral / filee
- matlab环境下的flood fill算法实现,需要cvlib_mex支持,可在http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/loadFile.do?下载。objectId=12200&objectType=File-Matlab environment under the flood fill algorithm. cvlib_mex need support in http : / / www.mathworks.com / mat
- 这是一个在WINDOWS和WINCE之间互相传送文件的例子,操作非常简单,只需连接网络即可使用了,This is a WINDOWS and transmission of documents between WINCE example, operation is very simple, just connect the network to use the
- 非常全面的自平衡小车制作全套资料,包括硬件PCB,软件源代码,上位机软件代码,器件DATASHEET 等。 建模、控制算法及PD调节的取值参考: http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/19147-nxtway-gs-self-balancing-two-wheeled-robot-controller-design 硬件及软件参考如下网站资料; http://www.circuitcellar.c
- Canonical Discriminant Analysis Created by A. Trujillo-Ortiz, R. Hernandez-Walls and S. Perez-Osuna Facultad de Ciencias Marinas Universidad Autonoma de Baja California Apdo. Postal 453 Ensenada, Baja California Mexico. atrujo@uab
- 最近和一位研友交流时谈到Matlab时频分析,了解到Matlab并不提供直接的绘制时间-频率分布图的命令,而是以时间-尺度图代之。不过很多时候我们要用到时间-频率图来分析信号,这两天集中搜集了相关的资料,其中在 MathWorks.com 的 Fileexchange 中心找到一个不错的Matlab时频分析工具,使用 Matlab GUI 界面开发,内核用C编写,感觉使用方便,分析和作图速度快,而且有多种图形表达方式选择。-Friends of the recent research and a
- This paper (and accompanying MATLAB source code) is a review of the block matching algorithms used for motion estimation in video compression. It implements and compares 7 different types of block matching algorithms that range from the very basic Ex
- 此文的目的有三个:第一,当地连续均值量化变换特征是提出照明和传感器敏感操作在目标识别上。其次,注册稀疏Winnows网络分割,提出了加快原分类。最后,特点和分类相结合对于正面人脸检测任务。检测结果列 为MIT + CMU系统和BioID数据库。关于这人脸检测器,接收器操作特征曲线BioID数据库产生最好的结果公布。对于结果麻省理工学院的中央结算系统+数据库相当于国家的最先进的脸探测器。一个人脸检测算法的MATLAB版本可以从http://www.mathworks.com/matlabce
- C# 写的简单的文件自动转换应用程序。适合内外网文件分离的公司,使用SERV-U服务器做内外网文件转换-Written in C# automatically convert the file simple applications. For the separation of inside and outside the company network files, use the SERV-U server to do file conversion within and outside t
- descr iption de forme en utilisant FD coeeficeients Fourier utilisé pour la classification forme. les étapes: 1. trouver les indices de frontières de l image de tranchant (binaire d entrée bordée d image voir le test par exemple) 2. trier le
- This function solves linear least squares problem with nonnegative variables using the active set algorithm described in: http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/10908-active-set-algorithm
- 飞鸽传书C++源码,可用于局域网通信,传输文件等。使用C++编程。-FeiGeChuanShu(LAN Communicate and FileExchange Software) C++ SourceCode
- README: rayBoxIntersection Ray/box intersection using Smits algorithm (1999) The zip file includes one example of intersection. Author: Jes√∫s Mena References: [1] "Efficiency issues for ray tracing". B. Smits. Journal
- GM_PHD_Filter Version 1.09, 13th December 2013 Matlab code by Bryan Clarke b.clarke@acfr.usyd.edu.au with: - some Kalman filter update code by Tim Bailey, taken from his website http://www-personal.acfr.usyd.edu.au/tbailey/software/ - erro
- this is a simple matlab code of the golden section algorithm
- For fast image processing this scr ipt extracts all the parameters for stereo image rectification in order to get the largest rectangular image pairs with only valid pixel values. The parameters are sorted in the way images are read in (First pixels
- In this code,we are concerned with the numerical minimization of energy functionals in Hilbert Space involving total variation for gray-scale 1-dimensional inpainting problem.Applications are shown by finite element method. see for example : http
- This code can be used to measure the pre-sampled MTF of an image, which is a quantity that describes the resolution of linear imaging systems. The code is based on measuring the pre-sample MTF using a precision machined edge that is aligned - with re