- 1、编制程序显示印章图像(24位真彩色位图); 2、读出位图中每一像素点的(R,G,B)样本值; 3、以RGB其中某两个(或三个)为坐标,取一定数量的图像点为分析样本,分析其坐标系中的分布; 4、采用本章学习的方法找到分类判别函数,对这些样本进行分类;(要求首先将印章与底纹区分,如有可能将印章、底纹、签字区分) 5、将分类后的结果标记到原始图像上,检查其效果。 -1, the preparation procedures showed that the seal image
- 该程序首先把rgb图像转化为XYZ空间,然后在XYZ空间进行一些阈值找到黄色的底色车牌,这是从国外的车牌识别程序,但不明白那些阈值为什么要那么设,用的是什么原理? 还有一个疑问就是,这个程序对于输入的车牌有时候找到的是车牌的底,有时候是车牌的数字。一个是黄色,一个是白色。真不知道怎么找的。-The program first rgb image into XYZ space, and then in the XYZ space to some threshold to find a yel
- 写程序时常常报告一些地址不能读或写的警告错误。那么我们如何根据这些地址找到源代码的出错行呢。这两篇文章回答了此问题。-Written procedures often report a number of addresses can not read or write a warning error. So how are we going to find these addresses according to the source code it wrong line. These two
- 哈希表的建立、查找。设有若干个学生的考试成绩,用学生的学号作为关键字,采用除留余数求哈希地址,将学生的信息存储到该地址空间,并且采用线性探测法解决冲突问题。-The establishment of hash table to find. There are a number of students in examinations, with students as No. keywords used in addition to stay for more than a few hash ad
- 10. 设有n种不同面值的硬币,各硬币的面值存在于数足T[n]中。现要用这些面值的硬币来找钱。可以使用的各种面值的硬币个数存于数组Coins[n]中。对任意钱数0<=m<=20009,设计一个用最少硬币找钱m的方法。-10. There are n different denominations of coins, each coin with a face value exists in the number of adequate T [n] Medium. Is to use
- 该程序用以查找任意两个整数之间的所有素数。 Prime number finder can find all primes between a and b and will write the results to the file PRIMES.TXT-The program used to search any two integers all prime numbers between. Prime number finder can find all primes between a a
- 现代社会离不开手机和电话,离不开电话号码的存储和查询。因此也需要《电话号码存储查询系统》来帮助您存储和查询有关的电话号码。《电话号码存储查询系统》是手机和电话的伴侣,是您工作和生活的不可缺少的帮手。我们经常遇到这样的情况,为了找到一个人的电话号码而费了好多的时间才找到,有时甚至会由于没有及时找到客户的电话号码而错过了一笔生意,造成了经济上的损失。遇到这种情况你更会感到拥有《电话号码存储查询系统》的重要性和必要性。-Can not be separated from modern society
- 在迷宫中寻找数字 数字之和为7 然后找到7 游戏胜利-To find number which can constitute number seven in the maze.
- 90 days test drive serial number for VisualDSP++ 5.0 prod. by Analog Devices. This is the only serial that AD gives to anyone who download VisualDSP++ for testing. Dev environment will fully work only 90 days, after that you: - buy it and work furt
- 在一串数字中寻找第K小的数 在一串数字中寻找第K小的数-In a string of numbers to find the first K number of small numbers to find the first in a string of small number of K
- 对内存中给定的几个无符号字节数,求其最大值和最小值并在数码管上显示。-Memory in a given number of unsigned bytes, find the maximum and minimum values shown in the digital control.
- 该程序用简单的方法找出了与一个数m临近的k个素数,用户可输入m与k。-The program uses a simple method to find a number m with neighboring k primes, the user can input m and k.
- 这是N皇后问题,主要解决算法设计中的求解效率-* Program to find number of solutions to the N queens problem. * This program assumes a twos complement architecture.
- To find the largest fitness value and its location 寻找最大适应性及相应的位置!Population N=50;crossover bits=n/2 (half of bits of an individual) with random locations,mutation bits = 4 种群数 N=50,交换位数= n/2, 即个体位数的一半,且位置随机; 变异位数统一取为4; Nc=20,28,36,44,
- Bellman-Ford Shortest Path Algorithm (C) 2004 by Yu Hen Hu find shortest path from a fixed point U to any node V clear all n=input( Total number of nodes = ) echo on starting from a fixed point U, you enter the weight to each
- 一个数如果恰好等于它的因子之和,这个数就称为“完数”。例如6=1+2+3.编程找出1000以内的所有完数。-If a number is just equal to the sum of its factors, this number is called " End of a few." For example 6 = 1+2+3. Programmatically find all finished within a number of 1000.
- Find the largest prime factor of a composite number
- 计算图片中大米的个数,计算每个大米的周长和中心点-Here we are interested to find number of rices and their perimeters as well as their center of gravities. Using the image, segment rices in a binary image. Then you can use the help mfile (Q2.m) to see how we can lable, fin
- 一个用c语言编写的查找偶数的程序代码,供初学者下载实用-A with c language program code to find even for beginners download useful
- 寻找多数元素,输入N数字,查找输入数字中是否存在多数元素-Find the majority element, enter N numbers, enter a number to find the existence of the majority of elements