- ARM映象文件及执行机理 本文基本上从这三个方面来阐述。 l ARM 映象文件(包括axf 文件和bin 文件)的生成和组成 l 映象文件下在flash 中的状态和运行时的状态(加载域和运行时域) l 地址重映射remap-ARM mapping documents and the implementation of this mechanism is basically three aspects to elaborate. L ARM mapping documents (i
- dspic的汇编例程,Write LCD with text using PSV feature and flash LED1 with a Timer1 loop-dspic compilation routines. Write text using LCD with PSV feature and flash L ED1 with a loop Timer1
- In the process of copper flash smelting, lining temperature of reaction shaft and its inner wall sluggish play a very important role in lining life. Up to now, however-In the process of copper flash smelting. lining temperature of reaction shaft and
- linux flash 操作控制程序源码! l inux flash 操作控制程序源码!
- flash 键盘音效取自win2000系统ding.wav,经过CoolEdit处理成音阶,在Flash中导入在相应按钮上。 没有难度,就是耐心一点,成绩不错哦! 对应表: 低音G-a #G-w A-s #A-e B-d 中音C-f #C-t D-g #D-y E-h F-j #F-i G-k #G-o A-l #A-p B- 高音C-1 D-2 E-3 F-4 G-5 A-6 B-7 C(high)-8 #C-c #D-v #F-b #G-n #A-m
- 不使用Flash,利用VML,CSS和Js实现的LED效果,提供了重用函数接口,提供了详细的使用方法说明,Do not use Flash, the use of VML, CSS and Js of the LED to achieve results, provide a reusable function interface, provides a detailed descr iption of the use of methods
- stm32库文件3.0 版。截止09.4.30最新版。内有英文说明,在英文官方下的。中文的没有。相对2.x版本变动较大 stm32f10x_stdperiph_lib_v3.0.0.zip,The STM32F10x Standard Peripheral Library is a complete package, consisting of device drivers for all of the standard device peripherals, for High-, Mediu
- 本工程采用AVR8脚SOIC8封装芯片attiny25,工程实现led灯的闪烁和亮度调节,采用attiny25内置PWM功能,本工程包括原理图和PCB图以及源程序,供大家分享!,This project include program and sch circuit also include PCB,it can let led flash and change the light of the led,we hope it can help u!
- DSP TS201 Test SDRAM Over
- 一个完整的个人产品开发源代码,包括对单片机STC12C5410的编程(含内部AD采样、自创的内部Flash编程源码等)、LCD1602的驱动编程等。-A complete source code of the individual product development, including single-chip STC12C5410 programming (including the internal AD sampling, create their own internal Flash
- 一个基于GTK+的单词数值计算器,1、 按照规则计算单词的值,如果 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 26个字母(全部用大写)的值分别为 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26,如: WINJACK这个单词的值就为:W+I+N+J+A+C+K=23+9+14+1+3+11=71% HARDWORK=H+A+R+D+W+O+
- 遗传算法L系统的数目自动生长,我自己写的用flash的actionscr ipt上实现的-tree generate in actionscr ipt
- 这是c8051f330最经典的跑马灯显示程序,真的可以用哦.-This is the most classic c8051f330 Marquee display program, it can be oh.
- proteus ,lpc2124 下led灯动闪的源码,学习和熟悉两个软件的很好的简单素材 -proteus, lpc2124 flash of the led light source moving, learning and well familiar with the two software simple material
- 七彩LED指示灯,通电后,按开关开启后,每隔四秒钟LED闪一次,且每次闪的颜色可以变化可以组合出多种颜色循环。七彩LED灯用红绿蓝三色的共阳LED灯,驱动直接用78P153的I/0。-Colorful LED lights, electricity, press switch to open, the LED flash every four seconds once, and each flash can change the color of a variety of colors can
- FLASH下的STG游戏源代码 Shooter game of game of life, L.A.2 .-FLASH game source code under the STG L.A.2 Control your ship Arrow keys Fire a glider Hold down the Z key Destroy tainted cells and turrets Release the Z key
- xml调用的图片FLASH,自动升成倒影-xml call pictures FLASH, auto-l into a reflection of
- rensas R8C2K/L的内部FLASH的读写实现,并实现模拟EEPROM功能。-rensas R8C2K/L to achieve read and write the internal FLASH and EEPROM emulation function to achieve.
- flash as l录音机功能,主要是netStream的应用,flash与麦克风相结合
- 使用说明: 1、需要是WIN主机空间才可以使用,不能在linux主机中 2、上传主机之前修改根目录中的c_custom.asp文件中Const ZC_BLOG_HOST网址参数,这样才可以登陆后台 3、登陆网站后台地址:你的网址/login.asp 4、后台一共2个用户总管理员用户名为:产品中心 新闻内容发布用户yd631,密码都为yd631.com 5、因为都是用的用户级别来识别产品图片库的,所以发布产品的时候用 产品中心 用户名发布,新闻用另外一个用户名发布,第二个用户名