- flex builder 3实现3d地图 -flex builder 3 to achieve 3d map
- 一款as的webgame游戏引擎,开源的,我在这里上传上去,把游戏角色分的很好的一个-The webgame a game engine as open source, I' m here to upload up to the role of points in the game a good one
- 为构建一个紧凑、灵活的 CPC I系统,在 IP核的基础上,采用 FPGA来实现 PCI总线接口电路。-To construct a compact and flex ible CPC I syste m, the PCI i nte rface c i rcuit i s i mp l em ented by FPGA based on IP core。
- Flex+Gilead+BlazeDS+Spring+Hibernate示例Demo,使用1:n和m:n两个双向关系,很好的演示了Gilead的Hibernate Lazy Killer特性,借助Gilead可以有效规避DTO模式的大量繁琐代码。-Flex+ Gilead+ BlazeDS+ Spring+ Hibernate example Demo, use 1: n and m: n relationship between two-way, a good demonstration of
ing birame m'hamed
- Decoupled and Nearest Sub Hexagon Center (NSHC) algorithms for the open-end winding configuration of induction motor. A space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM)