- 微型操作系统,想知道操作系统秘密的初学者可以在这起步。 文件列表: 1 micro-os.img 已编好的软盘映象。 2 micro-os_kernel.bin 命令核心二进制代码 3 micro-os_loader.boot 启动二进制代码 4 micro-os_loader.asm micro-os_kernel.asm 源文件 用法:1 编译源文件 2 将loader.boot 用工具写入软盘0道0头1扇区 kernel.bin写入0.0.2-0.0.n (n<10) 在 0.0.1
- This source code for controlling three phase motor from old floppy disk. using micro 8951 enjoy! any information:contact enas.dhuhri@gmail.com-This is source code for controlling three phase motor from old floppy disk. using micro 8951 enjoy! any
- Makes your DOS see USB drives! This should work with storage devices (optical, hard) but not with mouse/keyboard. You may need a floppy disk (and computer without hard drive) to check it out.-Makes your DOS see USB drives! This should work with stor