- 基于OpenGL与Windows的交互式三维图形技术以及程序设计。结合配套软件─—交互式三维图形软件开发工具Intra3D 2.0: (1)3D C++ 类库与COM对象库系统设计; (2)3D 交互算法与数据结构设计; (3)3D 图形用户界面设计; (4)使用Visual C++ 和Intra3D 2.0 C++ 类库编写交互式3D 应用程序; (5)使用Visual Basic和Intra3D 2.0 COM类库编写交互式3D 应用程序。 Intra3D 2.0是免
- ModbusMaster.h - Arduino library for communicating with Modbus slaves over RS232/485 (via RTU protocol). This file is part of ModbusMaster. ModbusMaster is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms o
- 免费的VPN软件。一个国外的开源自由软件 免费的VPN软件。一个国外的开源自由软件-Free VPN software. A foreign source free software for free VPN software. A foreign source free software
- 计算所汉语词法分析系统之免费版本ICTCLAS.非收费之源代码。 分词正确率高达97.58 (973专家组评测),未登录词识别召回率均高于90 ,其中中国人名的识别召回率接近98 处理速度为31.5Kbytes/s。ICTCLAS的特色还在于:可以根据需要输出多个高概率结果,有多种输出格式,支持北大词性标注集,973专家组给出的词性标注集合。--Calculate the Chinese Lexical Analysis System ICTCLAS. Segmentation correc
- Myseelite2是mysee公司的Myseelite1升级版本,是Mysee公司开源项目Myseelite的第二个发行版。自从Myseelite1宣布开源以来,获得国内外广大P2P研究人员和开源爱好者的强烈关注。由于Myseelite1是用纯C语言写成,对于大部分有意开发人员来说阅读程序存在一些困难,而且整体架构和协议有些地方需要改进。因此为促进开源项目Myseelite的更好发展,Mysee公司对Myseelite进行较大改进,从而推出Myseelite2。-Myseelite2 is a
- 复杂网络的一个特征是无标度,该软件提供了一个无标度网络的生成过程-A feature of complex networks is scale-free, the software provides a scale-free network generation process
- Speex是一套开源的专门压缩声音的库,压缩的性能非常高,常用在VoIP或者其它网络程序中。Speex声称自己是不受任何专利限制,并授权根据修订后的BSD许可证发布。它可以用来与Ogg容器格式或直接在UDP / RTP协议下传输。 这份是Speex的编码手册英文版,下面的地址是维基百科中关于Speex的介绍: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speex-Speex is a free software speech codec that may be used on
- software for book "A Software-Defined GPS and Galileo Receiver" free software
- Pic Disasmbpler Software. it can translet from hex to source. Freeware.
- JTAG Tools is a software package which enables working with JTAG-aware (IEEE 1149.1) hardware devices (parts) and boards through JTAG adapter. This package has open and modular architecture with ability to write miscellaneous extensions (like b
- 玩转颜色是个免费的颜色软件。拥有友好的界面和小巧的身躯,可以获取屏幕上的任何颜色,以RGB,网页,16进制,色素代码,Delphi颜色输出。更可以输入颜色代码调配颜色;自带颜色收藏夹。更可以获取网页中的配色方案,保存起来。适用于编程,网页制作等。-Topsy color is the color of free software. Has a friendly interface and compact body, you can access any on-screen color to RG
- J2ME的发送短信软件,里面包含很多丰富的字符表情,用于为你的短信添加表情,发送一条短信依然从手机中扣费,不是免费发送短信的软件-J2ME SMS sending software, which contains a wealth of characters, many facial expressions, used to add expressions to your messages, send an SMS from mobile phones is still扣费not send te
- 大师级人物写的蚁群算法解决TSP问题,真的挺不错,你可以下下来看看的.- Program s name: acotsp Ant Colony Optimization algorithms (AS, ACS, EAS, RAS, MMAS, BWAS) for the symmetric TSP Copyright (C) 2004 Thomas Stuetzle This program is free software yo
- FAT32文件IO库是自由软件,您可以重新发布和或修改,源码只包含fat32类型文件系统。并不兼容fat16或fat12-FAT32 file IO library is free software, you can re-publish and or modified source code contains only the type fat32 file system. Is not compatible with fat16 or fat12
- goText is a free software for Mobile Phones to send free SMS messages over GPRS/EDGE/UMTS/WiFi connection. It is coded in Java (J2ME) with MIDP 1.0 and CLDC 1.0 profiles, so it can be used an almost any java enabled mobile phone/device
- -Another MTK change the language of free software, can not arbitrarily change the language type, and character, direct read bin files
- 它主要用来管理计算机,学校机房,网吧等 它是一个完全免费的软件,操作简单方便,功能独特,不同一般远程. 客户端升级为可视端和隐藏端两种方式,方便使用,可以直接使用软 宇快讯主动和服务端通信,同时还可以设置密码退出保护.它是由VB 开发的一个软件.推荐局域网使用,速度快!实现共享效果好!它采用反向连接技术自动上线,有很多功能! -It is mainly used to manage computers, school room, Internet cafes, etc.
- 软件工程基础书籍 有空认真研究 会很有收获 帮助你跟简便的开发-Free software engineering based on careful study of books will help you with simple and rewarding the development of
- qtopia2.2.0是一款轻型的Qt,适合于mini2440上界面的开发,对于初学者来说,着手与这样一款界面编程软件,还是一个不错的开始。-qtopia2.2.0 is a lightweight Qt, for mini2440 development on the interface for beginners, working with such a software programming interface, or a good start.
- 可用于查看和编辑db3,SQLite的免费软件。(look out "db3", free software.)