- The proposed face tracker is based on a frontal face detector that can be applied in real-time to every frame, and it is so fast that it provides the illusion of tracking.-The proposed face tracker is based on a fron tal face detector that can
- It is a utility to control screen saver using human face detection. Human face detection is performed using OpenCV Haar-Cascade method. The software is primarily a daemon that resides in your system tray and keeps observing the input from a webcam to
- It is a utility to control screen saver using human face detection. Human face detection is performed using OpenCV Haar-Cascade method. The software is primarily a daemon that resides in your system tray and keeps observing the input from a webcam to
- ************************************************************************ * * * * * THIS IS THE H Y P L A S 2.0 README FILE * * ----------------- * * * * HYPLAS is a finite element program for implicit small and large * * strain analisys of hyperelast
- 基于C++编程的多线程的多波前稀疏矩阵的QR分解,Timothy A. Davis编写-SuiteSparseQR is an implementation of the multifrontal sparse QR factorization method. Parallelism is exploited both in the BLAS and across different frontal matrices using Intel s Threading Building Blocks
- OpenCV HaarCascades files for frontal or side face detection
- face detection Face detection can be regarded as a more general case of face localization In face localization, the task is to find the locations and sizes of a known number of faces (usually one). In face detection, one does not have this addition
- Rib Suppression for Enhancing Frontal Chest Radiographs Using Independent Component Analysis
- 关于汽车正面碰撞模拟方法的研究,希望对大家有所帮助-Vehicle frontal impact on the simulation study, we hope to help
- haarcascade example frontal eyes
- 人脸的检测和跟踪对于自由立体显示非常重要。本文采用连续Adaboost算法学习出一种瀑布型的人脸检测器,同时 针对adaboost算法误检率比较高的弊病,提出了一种正反Adaboost检测的思想,最后通过利用已有积分图以及最小值滤波,完成 了对人眼的识别操作。实验结果表明,算法对现有adaboost算法精度上的改进令人满意,基本能满足自由立体显示的需要。 -Accuratelylocatingandtrackingthepositionoftheusefsfaceisimop rta
- Abstract We present a component-based, trainable system for detecting frontal and near-frontal views of faces in still gray images. The system consists of a two-level hierarchy of Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifiers. On the first level,
- 研究描述人脸特征的有效方法, 讨论身份证照片的特征提取和检索采用自适应肤色检测技术改进通用的肤色检测算法, 进行脸部区域的划分提出系数投影法对面部五官区域进行分割, 在各区域中提取面部几何特征引人描述脸颊和下额轮廓的曲线参数作为脸形特征, 得到对人脸特征更准确的描述将面部几何特征矢量匹配、脸形曲线参数匹配和脸部图像相关匹配相结合, 实现人像照片的准确检索实验表明该方法性能优良。-Describe the facial features of an effective way to discuss
- 基于支持向量机的人脸检测训练集增强算法实现。根据支持向量机(support vector machine,简称SVM)~ ,对基于边界的分类算"~(geometric approach)~ 言,类别边界附近的样本通常比其他样本包含有更多的分类信息.基于这一基本思路,以人脸检测问题为例.探讨了 对给定训练样本集进行边界增强的问题,并为此而提出了一种基于支持向量机和改进的非线性精简集算法 IRS(improved reduced set)的训练集边界样本增强算法,用以扩大-91l练集并改
- 人脸检测的研究具有重要的学术价值,人脸是一类具有相当复杂的细节变化的自然结构目标,对此类目标的挑战性在于:人脸由于外貌、表情、肤色等不同,具有模式的可变性;一般意义下的人脸上,可能存在眼镜、胡须等附属物;作为三维物体的人脸影像不可避免地受由光照产生的阴影的影响。因此,如果能够找到解决这些问题的方法,成功地构造出人脸检测系统,将为解决其他类似的复杂模式的检测问题提供重要的启示。-Face detection can be regarded as a specific case of object-
- imm_face_db_zip是基于IMM的人脸数据库,里面的包含不同姿态的人脸:有正面人脸、左右分别倾斜30度的人脸及其相应的asf信息,对AAM的建模有着重要的作用。-imm_face_db_zip is based on the IMM Face Database, which contains the human face of different poses: a frontal face, tilted about 30 degrees, respectively, and thei
- 此文的目的有三个:第一,当地连续均值量化变换特征是提出照明和传感器敏感操作在目标识别上。其次,注册稀疏Winnows网络分割,提出了加快原分类。最后,特点和分类相结合对于正面人脸检测任务。检测结果列 为MIT + CMU系统和BioID数据库。关于这人脸检测器,接收器操作特征曲线BioID数据库产生最好的结果公布。对于结果麻省理工学院的中央结算系统+数据库相当于国家的最先进的脸探测器。一个人脸检测算法的MATLAB版本可以从http://www.mathworks.com/matlabce
- face recognition with frontal and profile view
- Frontal Face HaarCascades. Emgu CV face detection.
- 正面人脸图像合成方法研究_张坤华 ,多张图片不同角度生成正脸,可以有效去除遮挡物-Study frontal face image synthesis method _ Zhang Kunhua, multiple pictures at different angles to generate a positive face, can effectively remove the obstruction