- 一个旅行家想驾驶汽车从城市A到城市B(设出发时油箱是空的)。给定两个城市之间的距离dis、汽车油箱的容量c、每升汽油能行驶的距离d、沿途油站数n、油站i离出发点的距离d[i]以及该站每升汽油的价格p[i],i=1,2,…,n。设d[1]=0<d[2]<…<d[n]。要花最少的油费从城市A到城市B,在每个加油站应加多少油,最少花费为多少?-travel home to a car driving from city A to city B (located starting at
- 旅行家问题 一个旅行家想驾驶汽车以最少的费yi 用从一个城市到另一个城市(假设出发时油箱是空的)。给定两个城市之间的距离为D1、汽车油箱的容量为C(以升为单位),每升汽油能行驶的距离为 D2,出发点每升汽油价格P和沿途油站数N(N可以为零),油站i离出发点距离Di,每升汽油价格Pi(i=1,2...N)。计算结果四舍五入至小数点后两位。 如果无法到达目的地,则输出“No Solution\"。-issue a travel home to travel home to drive a car w
- 一个汽油发动机燃烧甲醇的项目,实现双燃料运行,这里上传的是甲醇ECU与原机ECU通讯的程序,用C开发,芯片是ATmal的mega88,A gasoline engine burning methanol project achieve dual-fuel operation, here are methanol ECU uploaded with the original machine ECU communication procedures, with C development, chip
- 一个旅行家想驾驶汽车从城市A到城市B(设出发时油箱是空的)。给定两个城市之间的距离dis、汽车油箱的容量c、每升汽油能行驶的距离d、沿途油站数n、油站i离出发点的距离d[i]以及该站每升汽油的价格p[i],i=1,2,…,n。设d[1]=0<d[2]<…<d[n]。要花最少的油费从城市A到城市B,在每个加油站应加多少油,最少花费为多少?-A traveler would like to drive a car from the city A to city B (located
- 本程序,主要用来描述燃烧室内,燃烧机理,化学反应考虑在内的一些因素,加之由此所带来的一系列影响-A gasoline engine burning methanol project to achieve the dual-fuel operation, where the upload is the original machine with methanol ECU ECU communication program, developed in C, the chip is ATmal of
- 计算汽油费用的专用计算器,可以计算油耗平均油价总价等等。-Special calculator calculate the cost of gasoline, fuel consumption can be calculated so the total price of the average price.
- 汽车油耗计算(C实现)对于家用经济型小轿车来说,统计油耗是经常做的一件事。本题目要求根据汽油单价、每次加油所用钱数,以及该次加的油所跑里程数计算出该车的百公里油耗,并进行保存,根据需要给出统计数据。-Vehicle fuel consumption calculation (C implementation) for the household economy cars, the fuel consumption statistics is often one of the things. Th
- 分别输入两辆车的消耗汽油公升数和行驶的英里数,比较哪辆车更加省油-Consumption of gasoline liters enter the two cars and driving miles and compare which car is more fuel-efficient
- 汽油机新型ECU的硬件设计与喷油控制策略研究-New gasoline fuel injection ECU Hardware Design and Control Strategy
fuel economy
- calculate fc and its benifits
- This paper compares fuel consumption and emissions for two ethanol blends with gasoline (E50 and E85) for conventional (nonhybrid), and series-type plug-in hybrid vehicles. Each vehicle configuration results in different engine operating regimes and
- The easy availability, lower well-to-wheel emissions, and relative ease of use associated with existing engine technology have made ethanol and ethanol-gasoline blends a viable alternative to gasoline for spark-ignition (SI) engines. The lower energy
- 论证表明混合动力电动汽车在一个完整的循环中有不同的运行模式:加速、巡航、对电池进行加速和再生制动。 电气子系统由电动机、发电机、蓄电池和DC/DC转换器四部分组成。 行星齿轮子系统对动力分流装置进行建模。它使用一个行星装置,通过分配和组合发动机、马达和发电机来传递机械动力。 内燃机子系统采用调速器对57 kW @ 6000转/分汽油发动机进行建模发动机调速器。 车辆动力学系统模型车辆的所有机械部件。(The de
- 使用先进的DPM模型模拟汽油煤油多组分燃料液滴的蒸发,液体内部的温度梯度以及燃料组分得到充分的考虑。(The advanced DPM model is used to simulate the evaporation of gasoline kerosene multi-component fuel droplets. The temperature gradient and fuel composition in the liquid are fully considered.)