- 计算Gabor滤波器函数. Gabor1.m:4个方向的Gabo滤波器模板的图像显示. Gabor2.m:4个方向的Gabor滤波器对lena进行滤波的顶层调用模块. gabor.m:绘制一个Gabor滤波器的空域和频域函数图. compute.m:计算Gabor滤波器函数(要被上面3个模块调用,这3个模块彼此独立)
- 使用步骤: 1. 拷贝所有文件到MATLAB工作目录下(确认已经安装了图像处理工具箱和人工智能工具箱) 2. 找到"main.m"文件 3. 命令行中运行它 4. 点击"Train Network",等待程序训练好样本 5. 点击"Test on Photos",选择一个.jpg图片,识别。 6. 等待程序检测出人脸区域
- Version : 5.0 (New Version) 1- copy all files and directories to the MATLAB's work folder * In order to run the program you must have Image Processing and Neural Networks Toolboxes 2- find the file named "main.m" 3- Double click
- 3种Gabor滤波器的表达方法,采用MATLAB编写,可用于人脸的识别-Gabor filters of three kinds of expression, the use of MATLAB to prepare, can be used for face recognition
- gabor filter programing in matlab, 3 ways of gabor filter
- Gabor小波,用于纹理提取,程序中所使用的方位和比例等参数是可以动态调整的-The orientation and scale can be changed in this program to extract texture information.Here 3 scales and 4 orientation was used
- FSVM在人眼状态识别中的应用,一种结合gabor滤波和模糊支持向量机进行人眼状态检测的方案-FSVM in the human eye pattern recognition application, a combination of gabor filtering and fuzzy support vector machine is the human eye state inspection programs to
- Gabor wavelet filter for texture extraction,-The orientation and scale can be changed in this program to extract texture information.Here 3 scales and 4 orientation was used
- 这是一个完整的指纹识别程序,它包括了直方图均衡,Gabor滤波图像增强,方向图过滤,纹理细化,特征提取及特征匹配。其中,特征匹配包含了3种匹配方法,另外还附有PPT,非常值得研究。-This is a complete fingerprint recognition program, which includes the histogram equalization, Gabor filter image enhancement, pattern filtering, texturing, th
- 这是一个完整的指纹识别程序,它包括了直方图均衡,Gabor滤波图像增强,方向图过滤,纹理细化,特征提取及特征匹配。其中,特征匹配包含了3种匹配方法,另外还附有PPT,非常值得研究。-Finger Identification
- 指纹识别程序: 包括了直方图均衡,Gabor滤波图像增强,方向图过滤,纹理细化,特征提取及特征匹配。其中,特征匹配包含了3种匹配方法,另外还附有PPT,非常值得研究。-Fingerprint identification procedures: including histogram equalization, Gabor filter, image enhancement, pattern filtering, texture refinement, feature extraction
- 这是一个完整的指纹识别程序,它包括了直方图均衡,Gabor滤波图像增强,方向图过滤,纹理细化,特征提取及特征匹配。其中,特征匹配包含了3种匹配方法,另外还附有PPT,非常值得研究。-This is a complete fingerprint recognition program, which includes the histogram equalization, Gabor filter image enhancement, pattern filtering, texturing, th
- 这是一个使用了Gabor特征提取和人工智能的人脸检测系统源代码 使用步骤: 1. 拷贝所有文件到MATLAB工作目录下(确认已经安装了图像处理工具箱和人工智能工具箱) 2. 找到"main.m"文件 3. 命令行中运行它 4. 点击"Train Network",等待程序训练好样本 5. 点击"Test on Photos",选择一个.jpg图片,识别。 6. 等待程序检测出人脸区域 createffnn.m, d
- Gabor滤波器经常被用于形状检测和特征提取,比如增强指纹图像。本代码用matlab实现了一个二维Gabor滤波器。 代码使用如下: function [G,gabout] = gaborfilter1(I,Sx,Sy,f,theta) from gaborfilter1 with different f(Frequency) and theta(Angle). for example f:0,2,4,8,16,32 theta = 0,pi/3,pi/6
- The aim of the project was to propose a method for reliable detection and extraction of facial features in two and three dimensions. Several 2D methods were attempted – edge detection, intensity scanning, and Gabor transform. The Gabor transfor
- 本程序是先用gabor小波变换对人脸图像处理,然后在用pca进行降维,最后用svm分类器进行多分类分类识别,包扩完整的orl人脸库,需注意的是,svm工具箱是用的libsvm工具箱,运行前先配置好libsvm。版本号:libsvm-mat-2[1].89-3[FarutoUltimate3.0]-This procedure is to use the human face gabor wavelet transform image processing, and then to reduce
- 对具高噪声和低对比度三维图像的识别和分割算法进行了研究。基于活动轮廓模型,用Gabor变换提取图像的纹理特征,根据统计学信息假设,通过偏微分方程水平集和窄带方法求解,获得较基本活动轮廓的算法分割更光滑精确的物体轮廓-To a high noise and low contrast 3 d image recognition and segmentation algorithm was studied. Based on the active contour model, with Gabor t
- Matlab的Gabor滤波器代码,使用方法: I = imread( 图像文件名 ) [G,gabout] = gaborfilter1(I,2,4,16,pi/3) figure,imshow(uint8(gabout)) -Gabor filter Matlab code, use the method: I = imread ( image filename ) [G, gabout] = gaborfilter1 (I, 2,4,16, pi/3) figure, imshow (
2D Gabor mfile Version(1,2,3)
- The Gabor filter is basically a Gaussian (with variances sx and sy along x and y-axes respectively) modulated by a complex sinusoid (with centre frequencies U and V along x and y-axes respectively)
- 1.从图像中识别几何形状的基本方法;基本原理是在于利用点与线的对偶性,将原始图像空间给定的曲线通过曲线表达形式变为参数空间的一个点,这样就把原始图像中给定的检测问题转化为寻找参数空间的峰值问题。 2.基于Gabor变换的人眼检测MATLAB实现。 3.基于Radon的车牌矫正方法。 4.基于模型函数headata产生不同大小的头模型数据。 5.基于函数wdcbm2()设置图像分层阈值压缩参数,实现图像压缩(The basic method of identifying geometry