- 可移植的积分算法 ,提供了数种方法(变步长梯形求积分;变步长辛卜生求积分;自适应梯形求积分;龙贝格求积分;计算一维积分的连分式法;高振荡函数求积分;勒让德-高斯求积分;拉盖尔-高斯求积分;埃尔米特-高斯求积分) ,比较实用-portable integral algorithm, a few methods (variable step-ladder for integration; Variable step for Oracle Integral Health; Adaptive trape
- Variableblur is a gaussian, binomial or average blur filter with a variable radius
- % EM algorithm for k multidimensional Gaussian mixture estimation % % Inputs: % X(n,d) - input data, n=number of observations, d=dimension of variable % k - maximum number of Gaussian components allowed % ltol - percentage of the log likeli
- DSP中输入信号的生成过程。 conio.cpp实现X(n)信号,其中有两个频率分量的正弦信号(正弦计算由sinwn.cpp实现),频率可变,这里取140Hz和70Hz。 考虑了高斯白噪声,由gauss.cpp实现。 最后该信号共产生2000个点,最后的信号点存储于 “x.txt”文本中。-DSP input signal generation process. Conio.cpp achieve X (n) signal, in which there are two components o
fast Gaussian process latent variable model
- fast Gaussian process latent variable model Software (FGPLVM). This toolbox allows for larger GP-LVM models through using the sparse approximations suggested in papers by authors including Titsias, Snelson, Ghahramani, Seeger, and Lawrence
- 用双谱和小波变换去除信号中加性高斯噪声的相关程序 1.实现单个变量的双谱分析程序 2.用傅立叶反变换求自相关函数的程序 3.用fft求取喜好频谱、功率谱、均方根谱、对数谱的程序 4.读取.wav语音信号后用小波去加信白噪声的程序 5.用各种小波和阀值对同一信号去加性噪声效果比较的程序 -Double-spectral and wavelet transform to remove the signal plus Gaussian noise procedures 1. T
- 数值计算程序 包括:变步长梯形公式算法、二叉树算法、二分法、高斯列主消去法、曲线拟合算法等-Numerical calculation procedures include: Variable Step-trapezoid formula algorithm, binary tree algorithm, dichotomy, Gaussian elimination method the main column, curve fitting algorithm
- 在TI TMS3205509平台上用C语言实现高斯随机变量-TI TMS3205509 platform in the C language using Gaussian random variable
- 用C++实现计算标准正态分布,以后不用再查分布表了,只要输入u即可。-compute the probability by a Gaussian Random Variable value x
- L3_1.m: 純量量化器的設計(程式) L3_2.m: 量化造成的假輪廓(程式) L3_3.m: 向量量化器之碼簿的產生(程式) L3_4.m: 利用LBG訓練三個不同大小與維度的碼簿並分別進行VQ(程式) gau.m: ML量化器設計中分母的計算式(函式) gau1.m: ML量化器設計中分子的計算式(函式) LBG.m: LBG訓練法(函式) quantize.m:高斯機率密度函數的非均勻量化(函式) VQ.m: 向量量化(函式) L3
Bit Error Rate
- The most straightforward approximation is the standard Gaussian approximation, where the MAI is approximated by a Gaussian random variable. This approximation is simple, however it is not accurate in general. In situations where the number of users i
- 高斯消去法适用于求解低阶线性方程和方程组,它先逐次消去变量,将方程组化成同解的上三角形方程组,然后按方程相反顺序求解上三角方程组,得到原方程组的解-Gaussian elimination method for solving linear equations and low-level equations, the successive elimination of its first variable, the equations into a triangle with the solut
- 利用polar method生成高斯随机变量-Polar method is generated using Gaussian random variable
- 一个自动添加高斯噪声 对比图像处理后psnr的程序 参数可自己修改-We want to test PSNR with variable gaussian blur. Then the different values of PSNR under different parameteres would be compared in order to find the relationship between PSNR and the gaussian blur.
- 随即分布数据产生的程序,产生均匀分布、瑞利分布、标准高斯分布、莱斯分布的随机变量-Then the distribution of data generation process, resulting in uniform distribution, Rayleigh distribution, the standard Gaussian distribution, Rice distribution of the random variable
- ntroduction to Stochastic Search and Optimization, 2003 This program runs a GA with real-number coding. Elitism is used and the mutation operator is simply the addition of a Gaussian random vector to the non-elite elements. The user
- 高斯噪声随机变量发生器,这些随机变量有一个零均值,方差D。-Gaussian random variable generator,These random variables have a zero mean and variance D.
- 一。产生长度为500的零均值,单位方差的高斯随机变量序列,用均匀pcm的方法用16电平进行量化:1)求所得的SQNR,该序列的前5个值,相应的量化值和相应的码字。2)画出量化误差(定义为输入值和量化值之间的差),同时 画出量化值作为输入值的函数的图。3)用128量化电平数重做2)题, 比较结果。 二。产生一个长度为500,按N(O,1)分布的随机变量序列,分别用16,128量化电平数和u=255的u律非线性进行量化,画出每种情况下量化器的误差和输入-输出关系,并求SQNR. 三。长度为5
- Matlab code for gaussian random variable and its CDF
- This file is Gaussian mixture pdf calculator that will generate a random variable from a mixture of Gaussian.