- If we need to verify the fact that a Polynomial has multiple roots iff (if and only if) it has a common factor with it s derivative, we need two things : a) A function to compute the GCD of 2 Polynomials. Since I could not find a Standard Matlab
- 用C语言使用欧几里德算法求任意两个正整数的最大公约数-Realize, by using c/c++ or Matlab, the Euclidean algorithm and the extended Euclidean algorithm to calculate the greatest common division (GCD) of any two positive integer numbers
- 1。实现,用C/C++和MATLAB,欧几里德算法计算最大公司(GCD)的两个任意多项式在GF(2)。模拟和分析两给定阶数不小(1.Realize, by using c/c++ or Matlab, the Euclidean algorithm to calculate the greatest common division (GCD) for arbitrary two polynomials over GF(2). Simulate and analyze the calculatio